Search results

  1. MattPoland

    Throwing Frozen Object Balls Question

    I know if two object balls are frozen, you can manipulate the path of the second object ball. Typically the advice is to project the line-of-centers between both object balls. Cutting into the left side of that line on the first object ball will throw the second object ball to the right. And...
  2. MattPoland

    Double Hit Nip Draw Debate

    So I let myself get into a debate on whether this is a good hit and am seeking additional opinions. I also edited a slower clip And I was comparing this to Dr Dave’s examples at 39 seconds vs. 1:10. I also reached out to a...
  3. MattPoland

    [WPA / Joy Billiards] Heyball World Investment

    WPA is announcing 8 international Heyball tournaments as part of a tour named "From China with Love" 6MM in prize money over 3 years. Equal payouts for men and women. Heyball World Junior Championships Heyball African Open Heyball American Open Heyball Asian Open Heyball European Open...
  4. MattPoland

    Asian Confederation of Billiard Sports ramps up threats

    Seems like this could be part of why Matchroom renamed the Asian Open to the Hanoi Open. Doesn't look like that name change offers Asian players any real protection though.
  5. MattPoland

    Pro Bar Players Tour?

    I ran across this site via social media. I’m just curious if anyone else has seen it. Feels pretty sus to me. Some red flags are some seriously unrealistic payouts and some really wonky rules (behind the line 8-ball, call shot 9-ball).
  6. MattPoland

    ChatGPT Stories

    Go to the ChalGPT AI and ask it to tell you a story about pool. Challenge its responses to include characters of your choosing, tension, moments, and dramatic outcome. See what you can get it to come up with. Here’s what I steered it to output. Crazy to think...
  7. MattPoland

    Matchroom 9-ball Open - Bangladesh (Legit?)

    This a real thing or just some trolls? I haven't heard anything about it so I'm assuming the latter.
  8. MattPoland

    Goofy Rule Question

    CSI / BCAPL rules. The opponent is extremely unskilled. Accidentally they go up and cue directly to an object ball (not the cueball). They think it’s the cueball. They stroke it, hit no other balls, and the ball they hit goes straight into a pocket. It’s clearly and obviously not a...
  9. MattPoland

    Defy Shaft and a Little Science Question

    My brother bought a Defy shaft. It’s really different. We took our shafts off and just dropped them tip first on the table. My Revo bounced up some inches. His Defy shaft just landed with a thud, no bounce at all. Is that a sign that it has better energy transfer or worse? The dealer sold...
  10. MattPoland

    Billiards NFTs

    With this coming from DAZN for boxing, hard not to wonder what this might look like for billiards and whether that seems likely? Would you pay to “own” Efren’s Z shot? One of Darren’s explosive kicksafe shots? Boyes missing the 9-ball hill-hill? SVB...
  11. MattPoland

    [WCOP] Team Philippines (Reyes / Biado) Withdraws Wonder what travel issues they encountered. Emily must be devastated. Seems like they should be ahead of these kinds of problems.
  12. MattPoland

    Pool Eras

    How would label the different eras of pool and what timeframes would you put on them? I usually think of them either by who is dominant or by who is producing events. Golden era? Johnston City era? Hustler era? ESPN era? Color of Money era? AccuStats era? Decline era? Matchroom era? I...
  13. MattPoland

    James Aranas

    I saw a post online he was deported from LAX. I don’t want to spread rumors. But shining light on them helps find truth. Anyone know more?
  14. MattPoland

    Reverse Slip Stroke / Stroke Slip

    I’m bringing over a topic from Pool Is Not Dead. Aside from the merits of the technique. I’m curious about its name. It seems a lot of people have different terms for it. “Reverse Slip Stroke” From Byrne’s Advanded Techniques in Poom and Billiards (1990) From George Fels via Billiards...
  15. MattPoland

    Eyes Closed

    Granted I play on a small bar box. But how many of you try shooting with your eyes closed. You can see while standing, getting down, and practice stroking but close your eyes before the final backstroke. I’m not great at it but I did just run a rack of 9-ball and it really makes you feel...
  16. MattPoland

    DAZN Potential

    I’ve been against DAZN because I just hate the platform. It doesn’t hold streams long enough. There’s not enough content. And it can have some stability issues but that seems better lately. BUT 6 Matchroom Events per year does justify the annual subscription for me when I consider the...
  17. MattPoland

    What a Shot! (Not the viral ones)

    We’ve all seen the Reyes, Melling, and Deuel highlight reels. Share some links to some amazing shots that haven’t gone viral. Here’s one from Jeremy Seaman. Jump to 5 hours, 2 minutes, 20 seconds. They are playing “call shot” 10b on a bar box. He’s hooked pretty bad on the 1.
  18. MattPoland

    Current Best 14.1 Players

    Kind of riffing on a “Pool is not Dead” topic. If there was a 14.1 world championship today and all the top pros and 14.1 specialists came out to play. Who do you think would take 1st through 5th? Any reasoning on why?
  19. MattPoland

    Cueball Path = Vector Addition?

    I don’t do any actual math. But I visualize the cueball path after contact with an object ball as the addition of two vectors. The first vector is the tangent line with a magnitude proportional to how hard I hit the shot. The second vector is the original cueball path with a magnitude...
  20. MattPoland

    Predator Championship League Pool Do you guys know much about this? I’m curious about that format, the production value of the broadcast, and...