Why CTE is silly

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Silver Member
Personally, I like to see a person profit from their work. Some people apparently think differently.

Then Hal Houle should be the one getting the money from the DVD because by all accounts I've read on this thread, it's HIS "system".



Silver Member
The guys knocking Stan should be ashamed of themselves. You guys are knocking a highly respected pool instructor who has helped countless people improve their game. He made a DVD at his own personal expense in hopes of helping more people, and hopefully clearing a small profit.

CTE has helped tons of people and if it's not for you - great, don't get the video. Others will be lined up to buy it. To liken him to an informercial sales hack is inexcusable. You guys are jealous hating a-holes.

Lou, if you can play well without systems ---- good for you. Too bad there isn't a DVD for "Class" ---- because you definitely need to watch it. God, I'm sickened with your last post. CLASSLESS, HATING, SOB.

Keep knocking respected instructors for sharing information so no one comes out with another instructional DVD ever. Further kill the sport. Know-it-all internet donks.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The guys knocking Stan should be ashamed of themselves. You guys are knocking a highly respected pool instructor who has helped countless people improve their game. He made a DVD at his own personal expense in hopes of helping more people, and hopefully clearing a small profit.

CTE has helped tons of people and if it's not for you - great, don't get the video. Others will be lined up to buy it. To liken him to an informercial sales hack is inexcusable. You guys are jealous hating a-holes.

Lou, if you can play well without systems ---- good for you. Too bad there isn't a DVD for "Class" ---- because you definitely need to watch it. God, I'm sickened with your last post. CLASSLESS, HATING, SOB.

Keep knocking respected instructors for sharing information so no one comes out with another instructional DVD ever. Further kill the sport. Know-it-all internet donks.


Completely tasteless and classless.
Not surprising though.


Work Hard, Be Humble. jbk
Silver Member
I'm with Spidey on this one!.

I've spent an entire day with Stan, he has a real passion for the game, people and is an amazing instructor as well.. He is a great person and has a ton of knowledge to offer anyone that is willing to learn.

The last post from Lou makes me absolutely sick. He obviously does not know the first thing about CTE nor does he care to learn..

Bashing Stan with his tasteless rants shows a total lack of class, why would anyone expect anything else from him..

From someone that knows and respects Stan, I can say that Lou has it ALL wrong! Imagine that:shrug:


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Sorry to disagree but as was pointed out earlier Hal did not invent it.. he may very well have discovered it, or at least have been the first to try to bring it up as a system here in the US...but I think the laws of physics and geometry were here way before Hal...
I am, as I posted a few days ago, just now starting to see it and how it works.. I was skeptical and still have more to learn about it.. with that said, I do now believe based on what I have been doing that it is in fact a mathmatical system, I know some of you will flame my a$$ for this.. and I could be wrong..... would not be the first time...
at any rate I think that before you continue to tear apart something you do not understand, maybe you should wait for the "release of the information" before making a judgement....
Then you can argue it all you want...
as for Stan making money why shouldn't he.. He is the one proving it to work to those who otherwise only want to argue that it cannot...
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mr. Figueroa,

I am not kidding.

I merely indicated that a student can learn to see or perceive the balls correctly early in their learning curve vs. way down the road which is often the case.

I NEVER in any way diminished any other important aspect of the game. You MISREAD my post!

This thread is primarily about aiming and aiming is largely visual.

I commented on the VISUAL and nothing else.

It must be fun to sit back and just joke and about what I am doing.


No personal disrespect intended.

The funny thing is that most, if not all, of those claims have actually been made, in one form or another, by CTE advocates.

Making fun of what you're doing? No.

Satirizing how CTE is oft-times promoted? Yes.

Lou Figueroa
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

You should get over this petty jealousy or whatever it is you are harboring. It doesn't make you look good.

This jealousy or whatever it is, is starting to make you look like a stalker.

You are now saying that Stan is purposefully lying about what he said? What's the purpose?

He didn't say anything about CTE making you a great player or fixing it so you will never miss a shot.

The only thing he said was that CTE would help you visualize the ball pocketing aspect which you know darn well, is only a small part of the whole process of playing pool, although it could be one of the corner stones of playing pool.

What gives with you and these personal attacks on Stan?

If you're going to attack him and CTE at every turn at least have the decency to address what he shared about CTE will help a player with their visual aiming skills, rather these .

You naysayers claim that you want to learn about CTE , yet you attack the very people who might potentially be willing to share some vital information about it.

If I were Stan, I wouldn't waste my time writing another post in this forum.

Shame on you, Lou!

Wow: bold face, underlining, blue fonts, an exclamation point, (more than a few unfounded accusations), and a "naysayer," to boot.

You've really outdone yourself this time, Joey :)

Lou Figueroa


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The guys knocking Stan should be ashamed of themselves. You guys are knocking a highly respected pool instructor who has helped countless people improve their game. He made a DVD at his own personal expense in hopes of helping more people, and hopefully clearing a small profit.

CTE has helped tons of people and if it's not for you - great, don't get the video. Others will be lined up to buy it. To liken him to an informercial sales hack is inexcusable. You guys are jealous hating a-holes.

Lou, if you can play well without systems ---- good for you. Too bad there isn't a DVD for "Class" ---- because you definitely need to watch it. God, I'm sickened with your last post. CLASSLESS, HATING, SOB.

Keep knocking respected instructors for sharing information so no one comes out with another instructional DVD ever. Further kill the sport. Know-it-all internet donks.

"jealous hating a-holes"


and my favorite: "Know-it-all internet donks"

Touched a nerve, eh?

Lou Figueroa
oh yes
and the
you sent privately
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sorry to disagree but as was pointed out earlier Hal did not invent it.. he may very well have discovered it, or at least have been the first to try to bring it up as a system here in the US...but I think the laws of physics and geometry were here way before Hal...
I am, as I posted a few days ago, just now starting to see it and how it works.. I was skeptical and still have more to learn about it.. with that said, I do now believe based on what I have been doing that it is in fact a mathmatical system, I know some of you will flame my a$$ for this.. and I could be wrong..... would not be the first time...
at any rate I think that before you continue to tear apart something you do not understand, maybe you should wait for the "release of the information" before making a judgement....
Then you can argue it all you want...
as for Stan making money why shouldn't he.. He is the one proving it to work to those who other wise only want to argue that it can not...

You don't need to wait for the release of the information to point out how silly the whole CTE thing has been hyped.

If the info is good, I'll be happy to say so. But the fact that Stan reneged on his offer to send PJ a copy for review was a tell that maybe it's not so good. One way or the other, we'll all find out in due course. None of that eliminates all the falderal that has been coming out of the CTE camp for years and years and years.

Lou Figueroa

stan shuffett

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
You don't need to wait for the release of the information to point out how silly the whole CTE thing has been hyped.

If the info is good, I'll be happy to say so. But the fact that Stan reneged on his offer to send PJ a copy for review was a tell that maybe it's not so good. One way or the other, we'll all find out in due course. None of that eliminates all the falderal that has been coming out of the CTE camp for years and years and years.

Lou Figueroa

My DVD offer to PJ was in connection with a trip to KY for a lesson!!

Yes, and as I changed my mind concerning my invitation for PJ to receive instruction in KY......PJ was posting that he could not accept my offer to visit and receive instruction, but that he would like the DVD.

My offer to PJ was not to send him a DVD for review. My intent was that he have the totality of a 5 hour lesson and then the DVD. I did not want to have any stones unturned, at least in my mind.

I changed my mind for personal reasons that came up after my offer...well, he declined anyway.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My DVD offer to PJ was in connection with a trip to KY for a lesson!!

Yes, and as I changed my mind concerning my invitation for PJ to receive instruction in KY......PJ was posting that he could not accept my offer to visit and receive instruction, but that he would like the DVD.

My offer to PJ was not to send him a DVD for review. My intent was that he have the totality of a 5 hour lesson and then the DVD. I did not want to have any stones unturned, at least in my mind.

I changed my mind for personal reasons that came up after my offer...well, he declined anyway.


Setting aside that PJ declined, shouldn't the DVD be able to stand on its own? The average buyer/viewer is not going to get the complimenting lesson...

Lou Figueroa


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The jury has found that this is all your fault....Post #1 on this thread was submitted as proof. :smile:

Post #1 was about a thing: CTE. Above regards a person. First post was the prosecution's opening statement in the trial of the thing--trial of the person hasn't begun yet, because we haven't seen the important evidence of the DVD (or the 100 page manifesto).

I've rested my case (maybe) against the thing: It doesn't involve the pocket, thus it's not aiming--no CTE advocate (given MANY chances) has tried to contradict that insufficiency. If it's only about OB-CB, you can move them together (keeping the same distance between them) ALL OVER THE TABLE, getting every angle possible to pocket the ball (or, you can move them only a little bit, changing the pocketing angle a couple of degrees--enough to cause a miss if the exact same aiming point were used). If CTE has no process used when then angle to the pocket changes slightly (AND doesn't even have a process for NOTING or MEASURING how that angle changes--to input into the aiming process) then CTE isn't an aiming system. QED.

I'm FAR from the first person to note the above. CTE advocates haven't even ATTEMPTED any response to it that I've found (except for silly videos that demonstrate, nevertheless, that it WORKS!). Their consistent avoidance of direct evidence or direct discussion (how does it know where the pocket is) vs their attempt to embrace indirect evidence (IT WORKS!) shows both that CTE isn't an aiming system, and that users who believe that it tells them where to aim are deluding themselves.


I see Edges
Silver Member
You must be kidding, right?

There is much more going on during those 10,000 hours and while hitting those million balls than just establishing proper perception. You are learning (hopefully) about your mechanics, fundamentals, PSR, stroke, and how to blend speed and throw and swerve and squirt.

So you can't say it's a trade off and your approach "beats the heck" out of putting in the time and doing the reps. It's these kinds of claims that I have a problem with -- they reek of the late-night TV come on:

Buy the DVD! Learn the system that is the most talked about aiming system "in the world!" Make all the shots, all the time! It's the can't miss system you've heard so much about and been waiting for -- but that *they* don't want you to know about! It's the painless approach to pool! Forget about practicing for 10,000 hours -- in weeks or even days, you'll be able to make any shot! Cut thousands of hours off your practice time! Just $44.99!

Lou Figueroa
and if you call
in the next 10 minutes
we'll include FREE shipping :)

I have always liked jabbing back and forth with you Lou, But Dam
Stan IS one of if not the top instructor in the US. He is not
pulling some scheme to make money. Look at Landon,VERY respectful
young man. Not the son of a snake oil salesman . TRY and be respectful
because he would show you the same courtesy.

Me thinks lou
is off his meds again lol


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
Their consistent avoidance of direct evidence or direct discussion (how does it know where the pocket is) vs their attempt to embrace indirect evidence (IT WORKS!) shows both that CTE isn't an aiming system, and that users who believe that it tells them where to aim are deluding themselves.

Are you really that offended by the system that you want to make a false semantic issue out of it? Pool is one of the very few sports that have more than one target. Cueball, object ball, pocket. The "aim" portion for some reason you're concentrating on "aiming to the pocket," yet the CTE advocates and other ball-to-ball aiming advocates are clearly talking about aiming the cueball the object ball to pocket the object ball. This disqualifies it as an aiming system for you? That sounds absurd to me, but hey, this is your crazy ball your bouncing.

If this had been presented as a "pocketing system" would you still be so adamantly calling it silly, BS, and its practitioners as deluded?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Mr. Figueroa,

I am not kidding.

I merely indicated that a student can learn to see or perceive the balls correctly early in their learning curve vs. way down the road which is often the case.

I NEVER in any way diminished any other important aspect of the game. You MISREAD my post!

This thread is primarily about aiming and aiming is largely visual.

I commented on the VISUAL and nothing else.

It must be fun to sit back and just joke and about what I am doing.


To me this is more CTE sidestepping.

This thread isn't about aiming. This thread is about CTE, which is called an AIMING SYSTEM.

Comments about "perception" and the visual aspects of aiming, in place of geometric discussion, look like a multi-step slither away from a system and toward some vague, mystical-sounding religious theory of an aiming--not something systematic.


I see Edges
Silver Member
OK, here are my CTE claims. And you can be disrespectful to me cuz
I BS on here all the time
1. I don't look at the pocket
2. It improved my ball pocketing dramatically
3. I don't look for contact points
4. Lou is full of sh1t
5. I gained at least 2 balls
6. GMT is more full of crap than Lou
7. It has improved my break, because I am hitting the ball exactly square,
cb usually does not hit a rail after the break unless kicked by another ball
8. Has dramatically improved my banking
This is all true
9. It is an exact aiming system
10. Improves and forces a solid pre-shot routine
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stan shuffett

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Setting aside that PJ declined, shouldn't the DVD be able to stand on its own? The average buyer/viewer is not going to get the complimenting lesson...

Lou Figueroa

The DVD will stand on its own....for viewers that have a sincere motivation to learn Basic CTE and PRO ONE.

Keep in mind...real learning comes from one's own experience at the table. No one will watch the DVD and proclaim that they have it. It requires going to the table and creating experiences.

I won't turn my back on anyone that needs a personal boost after viewing the DVD whether by phone or in person.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Are you really that offended by the system that you want to make a false semantic issue out of it? Pool is one of the very few sports that have more than one target. Cueball, object ball, pocket. The "aim" portion for some reason you're concentrating on "aiming to the pocket," yet the CTE advocates and other ball-to-ball aiming advocates are clearly talking about aiming the cueball the object ball to pocket the object ball. This disqualifies it as an aiming system for you? That sounds absurd to me, but hey, this is your crazy ball your bouncing.

If this had been presented as a "pocketing system" would you still be so adamantly calling it silly, BS, and its practitioners as deluded?


GREAT!! I've said before that maybe the problem IS that the entire discussion is over semantics. I'D LOVE TO INVESTIGATE THIS FURTHER AND MAYBE ALL PROBLEMS COULD BE SOLVED.

Maybe I and many others have made a mistake in assuming that CTE PROVIDES THE NECESSARY INFORMATION TO POCKET BALLS. Maybe it's a sighting system, or a setup system--and it's up to the player to know how to pocket the balls, once he can effectively setup and sight.

Any beginner knows if you want the OB to go to the left you have to hit it to the right (of the center of the OB--where any beginner would expect the OB to move straight ahead). Any beginner knows that the MORE you move to the right of the center of the OB the greater is the angle the OB will move to the left.

All beginning players know that within a minute of playing for the first time.

The REST (involving the basics of shotmaking) involves knowing HOW MUCH to vary the move to the right, in order to make the OB move to the left at the angle that causes it to go into the pocket!

I think that most people who hear about an "aiming system for pool" would tend to believe that the system would serve to tell them that "how much." Certainly, that's what the ghost ball "aiming system" does (which then needs further correction for friction aspects of the game, of course).

Maybe this has been the big breakthrough needed in the discussion! PLEASE TELL US WHAT CTE IS MEANT TO ACCOMPLISH, so we can straighten out this confusion about "aiming systems" "pocketing systems" and "visual perception."

stan shuffett

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To me this is more CTE sidestepping.

This thread isn't about aiming. This thread is about CTE, which is called an AIMING SYSTEM.

Comments about "perception" and the visual aspects of aiming, in place of geometric discussion, look like a multi-step slither away from a system and toward some vague, mystical-sounding religious theory of an aiming--not something systematic.

CTE/PRO ONE is a SYSTEM........in every way!

Time will bear it out. I have no doubt.

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