The Ghost Drill Android App


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hi guys. Along the same line of playing against the ghost, I made an android app for logging your score on the ghost drill. It's not exactly playing a set against the ghost, but keeping score to see how many balls you run per rack and over the course of 10 racks of 9 ball. It's my first android app, but one of several that I want to make because I love pool! Please let me know any suggestions, bugs, etc. Thank you!




Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Many many thanks for your hard work on the app, and future ones at that. The sport needs more innovators like yourself to take it into the future.

Keep it going, maybe a bowliards ghost score option?

Awesome job and I dig the ghost symbol. Extremely cool. Green rep to you.


Ready, fire...aim
Silver Member
ghost drill

Just played my first ten racks and plan on many more to come. 6.77/rack but getting serious now :wink::wink: I am going to pass it along to my apa team tomorrow. Thanks for the hard work.


Great app dude!
Just have a few requests:
can you make it so the user chooses how many racks he plays?
can you make it so I can see more detail in the history? ie balls on break etc.

Oh, maybe I'm missing something, but if all the balls are worth 1 point and the 9 is worth 2, how can I score 9 points?



AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Very cool and great work. Just downloaded the app and it looks straight forward. Can't wait to try it out. Out of curiosity, do you have a developer background?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Keep it going, maybe a bowliards ghost score option?

I have thought of different types of games, like 10 ball and 15 ball rotation. Bowliards sounds like a great idea. I remember playing that once at the Derby. Thanks for the suggestion and the support. I have several projects that I'm working on, but I'll definitely keep it in mind.

- Art


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I wish someone would write an Android app like Billiards Buddy on iPhone.
It's excellent for keeping up score with 14.1.

I have thought of something of that nature. I'll put it on my todo list but it may be a while's out because I'm working on some other things. Thank you for the lead.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great app dude!
Just have a few requests:
can you make it so the user chooses how many racks he plays?
can you make it so I can see more detail in the history? ie balls on break etc.

Oh, maybe I'm missing something, but if all the balls are worth 1 point and the 9 is worth 2, how can I score 9 points?


Hey man, thanks for the support. Seriously, I really appreciate it.

1) Actually, I was getting around to it. I have a variable in there for max number of racks leaving the option open thinking, "someone would use it, but for what?" The question I have about that is, if there are sets with varying amount of racks, then I can't really put them together in the same list in the history because the total would be skewed. When I figure out how to show the information, I'll make that an option. Any ideas?

2) I have all that information saved per rack/set and I was just thinking how to show that information. Either you click a row and it pops up with more details (like how many runouts too!) or if it shows statically in a second row. I might do the second row thing.

3). You run 7 balls and combo the 9. 7+2=9. It's possible.

Thanks again,



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Out of curiosity, do you have a developer background?

Studied Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. I've been working as an IT manager for a good amount of time (ready to move on to new opportunities) and I dabble with VBA programming for Office and PHP for web development at work. I went back to my roots and wrote this in Java when I bought my new Dell 13" XPS. Kind of fun.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
First App I've ever seen that doesn't request my DNA and first born child before downloading. :thumbup:


Short Bus Russ - C Player
Silver Member
I'd really like to see an Equal Offense App that includes the ability to compete directly against someone on a per-inning basis.

If you need more information, contact RealKingCobra, and he can describe how it's played. Scoring is easy.... One point per ball, and count misses per rack.

He showed me the game, and I actually believe it is better for development than the Ghost, by a long shot.

According to RealKingCobra, Equal Offense is just about making balls and playing position. As many balls as you can, in a controlled way. He says that the skill development is a natural result.

I played it, and I agree. His format of playing against an opponent and stacking your score if you complete a full rack is VERY addicitive.

Short Bus Russ


Now everyone follow my lead and rate the app 5 stars so more people searching for billiard apps get this.
More support we give more great apps we can get!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So I'm coding away at trying to show more info about the set when I came upon a grave mistake =(. I realized that I don't save the balls on break info. I'm deeply sorry about this. The big question I ask my users now, should I add it? I'll figure it out how to add it to the database, but all previous sets will have 0 or blanks in the average balls on break. For now, I'll push it out with the detail that I have saved. I should have it out by the weekend, hopefully.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Update on its way

Sorry for all the frequent updates, just been pushing it out everytime I get a part upgraded. Should be pushed to devices within the next few hours. Now you can see additional details pop up when you click on a set in history.

Details provided:
Date/Time Played
Total Score
Average Per Rack
Scratches On Break
Combo Finishes
Runouts (10s only)

Thanks guys. Have fun shooting.
