Are some players better than others at getting in the zone?


Don't you love being so deeply zoned in on your match that you feel like you are one with the table? Your ears turn off, your emotions turn off, your eyes open wide, your focus is incredible, your body is in complete control, and you effortlessly run racks.

What causes this? Is everybody's mind different or are there common triggers? How long can this level of play last?

I believe this mental zone is what separates the greatest players from the great players. All great players are capable of playing as well as the greatest players but they can't consistently do it. Why is that? It's probably due to not being able to get in that zone often enough. I believe the true masters of pool know how to get in this zone and stay there when they need to.

Can anyone relate? Are you one of these people who can turn it on and off? What triggers do you use? What mental preparations/exercises are necessary to get there fast? Let's hear it!


Dead money
Silver Member
I was in The Zone once...on one shot.

Three-quarters table length draw shot back to the opposite corner. The shot line just magically appeared. I didn't even have to think about fundamentals or pre-shot routine. Got down on it and knew it was perfect.

The cue felt like an extension of my arm. It was in a noisy bar but I didn't hear a thing -- until I miscued and sent the CB off the table.

Zone gone.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's the million dollar question. Once a player is consistent in striking the cue ball accurately then the game switches mostly to a mental stage. Personally, several years ago the stars aligned right in my game for about a period of 3 months where I went on a tear and won several tournaments and just felt confident in my game. I just knew that I was going to play well and did.

I think it's a combination of playing, success, preparation, motivation, and many other factors including what is going on personally in your life at the time. I've watched top players be dominate for a time (few months to years). For those that can maintain it over a period of time become Hall of Famers. I think the question is complicated and if it wasn't then everyone would be able to do it and play their best at any given time. My short answer would be that you would have to play lots of competition with success and be clear mentally of other "life" issues to be able to obtain dead stroke consistently.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
IMO focus is the key. Focus so much so long it comes easy. You kinda slide from normal focused state to effortless focus. Before you can get to effortless state focus need so much trying you might get tired and then you can´t get highest level focus.
I used to get there more often. Nowadays my focus is so poor..
I think i should start training just focus.. :(


Fusenshou no Masa
Silver Member
The zone comes and it goes. The best players don't focus on trying to be in the zone all the time, they focus on bringing their lowest level of play to where it appears to people watching that they are in the zone even if it feels like they are shooting with the wrong end of the cue.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don't you love being so deeply zoned in on your match that you feel like you are one with the table? Your ears turn off, your emotions turn off, your eyes open wide, your focus is incredible, your body is in complete control, and you effortlessly run racks.

What causes this? Is everybody's mind different or are there common triggers? How long can this level of play last?

I believe this mental zone is what separates the greatest players from the great players. All great players are capable of playing as well as the greatest players but they can't consistently do it. Why is that? It's probably due to not being able to get in that zone often enough. I believe the true masters of pool know how to get in this zone and stay there when they need to.

Can anyone relate? Are you one of these people who can turn it on and off? What triggers do you use? What mental preparations/exercises are necessary to get there fast? Let's hear it!
I think most certainly. You can see it happening. It is like they are dimming the lights on everything around them but the table. I don't know about the short races such as in tournaments, but I have seen it many times gambling.
They seem to be able to will themselves there.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Don't you love being so deeply zoned in on your match that you feel like you are one with the table? Your ears turn off, your emotions turn off, your eyes open wide, your focus is incredible, your body is in complete control, and you effortlessly run racks.

What causes this? Is everybody's mind different or are there common triggers? How long can this level of play last?

I believe this mental zone is what separates the greatest players from the great players. All great players are capable of playing as well as the greatest players but they can't consistently do it. Why is that? It's probably due to not being able to get in that zone often enough. I believe the true masters of pool know how to get in this zone and stay there when they need to.

Can anyone relate? Are you one of these people who can turn it on and off? What triggers do you use? What mental preparations/exercises are necessary to get there fast? Let's hear it!

Bottom line…Yes. Some players are better at getting in the zone than others. I know I play in tournaments and a lot of the better players don't even warm up because they have supreme confidence. That's the mental aspect of the game….having no doubt when down on the shot. That simple and that difficult. That's what i'm working on now.