Need help identifying wood species.

Billiard Architect

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Would like some help identifying a species. Thanks in advance.


Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We need a better picture to have a chance to guess what wood that is, but looking at the grain and colour, it does look a little like olive wood.

Billiard Architect

AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
We need a better picture to have a chance to guess what wood that is, but looking at the grain and colour, it does look a little like olive wood.

Having the wax on there does not help much either. I bought a couple of totes of hardwood yesterday. I have two weeks until the antique shop closes and we get everything moved out. Next I have around 15 house cues I have to work on putting joints in. Then I will be breaking into those boxes. Here is a picture of the totes.


Then I will start working on this...
titlist butt.jpg


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thank you!
It is dry assembled since Feb, not glued yet.

I broke my hand back in early March, did not take care of it and re-broke middle finger a few more times, leading to surgery. With all that immobility, the tendons shrunk in the hand, i have a claw, and somehow arthritis set into the joints that were not directly involved with the break. :(

I'm not looking for sympathy, assume time & nice lady therapist will eventually have things right. :thumbup:

But making excuses for why i may post on here too much, and not get anything done in the shop. :sorry:

Funny thing is, i can do heavy, non-precise work around the house. Put a couple steel I-beams under the floors in the house in prep for further improvements and eventually to support the 1927 BBC 9' table wife bought last year. Doing some block work (masonary) this afternoon.

Back to pool (sort of) - when i get going again, the box/desk gets 6 point legs. RW into curly maple.

Again, thanks!



slower than snails
Silver Member
Ha! I should have known it was a desk. For some reason it didn't even cross my mind, even though it's obvious now that you mention it. I was thinking it was a strange shaped box for jewelry or something. Will be sharp when completed. Good luck healing!