Best cue under $1000


New member
I’ve got some cash and I want to buy a cue that will last me for a long time, preferably forever. I’m 38 years old and own a predator cue. I prefer American made and later I plan on ordering Hsunami2 shaft to go with that cue. I like traditional looking cues,


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Been playing with Meucci most of my life.
Tried others but always went back to Meucci.

Meucci with a carbon fiber shaft. ❤️

8-ball Rat

I'll eat you alive.....
Silver Member
Nice Joss cue with a Predator Revo shaft.....done and done!

I have two sets....and one just so happens to be a Jos16. It's a phenomenal player.

Hard to find a better playing combo, for well under your budget.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I’ve got some cash and I want to buy a cue that will last me for a long time, preferably forever. I’m 38 years old and own a predator cue. I prefer American made and later I plan on ordering Hsunami2 shaft to go with that cue. I like traditional looking cues,
Talk to Cody Cash at PKCustomCues in Wichita. Does fantastic work at fair prices and there's no one better to deal with. He's on FB as PK Custom Cues.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just purchased a Jacoby HB-2 also, last weekend. It's an incredible looking cue, the one I purchased is much nicer looking than the picture they show. I really like no wrap cues, and shoot with a Schon no wrap but have been looking for another, just because. Jacoby is somewhat local to me, about an hour away and make very top quality cues. While they make a high quality cue, I was not a fan of some of their designs. I have 4 Schon cues but use Jacoby Ultra LD shafts and really like their shafts.
They always have a booth at our state tournaments here, and my wife was shooting a team event with one of her friends, so I saw this cue there and had to have it. It comes with an Ultra shaft, but I wanted a 30" 12.5 mm version instead of the 29" 12.75 mm one it had so they are making one for me and I'll pick it up in 3-4 weeks. I've always wanted one of their cues, I just hadn't found the right one till I saw this one.
They charged me $25 extra to get the shaft length and diameter I wanted, And I thought that was reasonable. You won't want for more with this cue.
Funny karma story. Wife's team placed 4th and were done Saturday about noon, and she was bugging me about selling a DZ custom cue I have and don't use now. I just said ya maybe. We get home and I remember I'm in a monthly drawing at a bar local to me for a $1000. The drawing was that afternoon and you have to be there to win the $1000, if you're not there you win $500 and they draw 5 tickets for $100. I went and won, looked over at the wife and said cue is paid for, looks like I don't need to sell my DZ.
Pechauer makes a good cue also, just get it with their upgraded shaft. All Wisconsin makers, Schon, Jacoby, and Pechauer.
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I’ve got some cash and I want to buy a cue that will last me for a long time, preferably forever. I’m 38 years old and own a predator cue. I prefer American made and later I plan on ordering Hsunami2 shaft to go with that cue. I like traditional looking cues,
One of the best hitting cues Woodworth. I have it for sale on AZ


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just purchased a Jacoby HB-2 also, last weekend. It's an incredible looking cue, the one I purchased is much nicer looking than the picture they show. I really like no wrap cues, and shoot with a Schon no wrap but have been looking for another, just because. Jacoby is somewhat local to me, about an hour away and make very top quality cues. While they make a high quality cue, I was not a fan of some of their designs. I have 4 Schon cues but use Jacoby Ultra LD shafts and really like their shafts.
They always have a booth at our state tournaments here, and my wife was shooting a team event with one of her friends, so I saw this cue there and had to have it. It comes with an Ultra shaft, but I wanted a 30" 12.5 mm version instead of the 29" 12.75 mm one it had so they are making one for me and I'll pick it up in 3-4 weeks. I've always wanted one of their cues, I just hadn't found the right one till I saw this one.
They charged me $25 extra to get the shaft length and diameter I wanted, And I thought that was reasonable. You won't want for more with this cue.
Funny karma story. Wife's team placed 4th and were done Saturday about noon, and she was bugging me about selling a DZ custom cue I have and don't use now. I just said ya maybe. We get home and I remember I'm in a monthly drawing at a bar local to me for a $1000. The drawing was that afternoon and you have to be there to win the $1000, if you're not there you win $500 and they draw 5 tickets for $100. I went and won, looked over at the wife and said cue is paid for, looks like I don't need to sell my DZ.
Pechauer makes a good cue also, just get it with their upgraded shaft. All Wisconsin makers, Schon, Jacoby, and Pechauer.
A lot of words here but WHAT is your answer to the OP's query?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I guess it would be that a Jacoby HB-2 is a fantastic cue for under $1000, or a Pechauer would be a great option also.
A little cranky this morning I see. A good cup of coffee will help with that.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lots of good options. Schon and Jacoby would always be on my list for a US made cue in that price range.

Something to consider is availability of an extension. Not all cues have good butt extensions available and they've become quite popular. I have a few custom cues, a couple Rundes and a South West Satin. I had been playing with a Runde with a Revo shaft but was really starting to feel like I wanted something that could accept an extension. Knowing that I like the Revo shaft and having gone with a BK Rush and Air Rush to round out my case I decided to stick with Predator and got a K Series Classic 1. Honestly, it's a great cue, like really nice. I typically prefer US made and small builder too, but as pool moves into this modern era of carbon fiber shafts, screw on extensions, etc. I found benefit in going with something like Predator.

I will always hold onto at least one of my Runde cues, it's my ideal of the perfect traditional cue. But I don't suspect I'll play much with it anymore, the Predator stuff just works for me and I probably grab that extension a couple times a night during league and it makes the difference sometimes.