Even a year ago a simple merry widow was 500 to 750 from many cuemakers. Now it's 1000 to 2000. Thats not inflation, it's gouging. People put up a 10 year joss on facebook for what a new one costs. I wanted to get a scruggs. I backed off. Not gonna pay those prices. Just saw a titleist conversion by tascarella for 4500. Not me. Not ever. What you think?
Cues were originally for shooting pool,
Even what are now considered some of the best playing and collectable were simply cues for playing.
A few saw the potential value, and did put them up"
but most of the good cues were played with.
I am , like a lot , a big fan of the szam cues...Gus and Barry.
1 collector-mars man showed a gold crown-full of those cues....
Most of the cues showed they were very-well used cues in their day.
Now, it seems more about value and collectability / investment of cues.
Along with the cost of everything else, cue making has certainly gone up in cost....
Just a startup of Quality machinery ,tooling and supplies and a decent collection of quality woods will be a modest
40K .
If you are just playing pool, buy a Joss, Schon , Jacoby-spend $$ 500.00 to 1 K and enjoy the game.
If thats too much,
Buy a cuetec cynergy for about 600.00 and you're set for the rest of your life.