Your thoughts on outrageous cue prices


Active member
Even a year ago a simple merry widow was 500 to 750 from many cuemakers. Now it's 1000 to 2000. Thats not inflation, it's gouging. People put up a 10 year joss on facebook for what a new one costs. I wanted to get a scruggs. I backed off. Not gonna pay those prices. Just saw a titleist conversion by tascarella for 4500. Not me. Not ever. What you think?


Unregistered User
Silver Member
Even a year ago a simple merry widow was 500 to 750 from many cuemakers. Now it's 1000 to 2000. Thats not inflation, it's gouging. People put up a 10 year joss on facebook for what a new one costs. I wanted to get a scruggs. I backed off. Not gonna pay those prices. Just saw a titleist conversion by tascarella for 4500. Not me. Not ever. What you think?
Maybe try collecting coins because it sounds like cues are not going to fit into your wheelhouse.

Duane Remick

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Even a year ago a simple merry widow was 500 to 750 from many cuemakers. Now it's 1000 to 2000. Thats not inflation, it's gouging. People put up a 10 year joss on facebook for what a new one costs. I wanted to get a scruggs. I backed off. Not gonna pay those prices. Just saw a titleist conversion by tascarella for 4500. Not me. Not ever. What you think?
Cues were originally for shooting pool,
Even what are now considered some of the best playing and collectable were simply cues for playing.
A few saw the potential value, and did put them up"
but most of the good cues were played with.
I am , like a lot , a big fan of the szam cues...Gus and Barry.
1 collector-mars man showed a gold crown-full of those cues....
Most of the cues showed they were very-well used cues in their day.
Now, it seems more about value and collectability / investment of cues.
Along with the cost of everything else, cue making has certainly gone up in cost....
Just a startup of Quality machinery ,tooling and supplies and a decent collection of quality woods will be a modest
40K .
If you are just playing pool, buy a Joss, Schon , Jacoby-spend $$ 500.00 to 1 K and enjoy the game.
If thats too much,
Buy a cuetec cynergy for about 600.00 and you're set for the rest of your life.

Kim Bye

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
All aspects of costs that relates to cue making have gone up considerably. Wood prices has doubled or tripled in less than 6 years. Machinery prices has gone through the roof and obviously the general cost of living has gone up.
Your example with Tascarella and Scruggs is quite misleading, some makers command premium prices, but you can easily find a cue from a less known cue maker for a much more affordable price


recreational banger
Silver Member
Inflation is caused by more dollars chasing the same amount of goods and services. Last time I checked, there was only one legal entity that could make dollars.

That said, the collectables world is unique in a way. Doesn't really matter what the collectable is. I've read the same complaint on car guy forums.
When a car becomes iconic and desirable, it stops being used as a car, only driven to and from shows...I consider these dead cars. When a cue becomes iconic and collectable, pretty much the same thing happens. Things leave the hands of the people who use and enjoy them, enthusiasts if you will, and become owned by collectors...people who just want to possess something few others have. Nothing illegal or wrong about either.

It's your money, your choice....


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
Even a year ago a simple merry widow was 500 to 750 from many cuemakers. Now it's 1000 to 2000. Thats not inflation, it's gouging. People put up a 10 year joss on facebook for what a new one costs. I wanted to get a scruggs. I backed off. Not gonna pay those prices. Just saw a titleist conversion by tascarella for 4500. Not me. Not ever. What you think?
Nobody owes you a cue at the price YOU want


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We are becoming even more of a world of haves and have nots- and those that have the ability and desire will purchase what they please. Sellers in every aspect are targeting those with the premium dollars to spend. The only thing that brings down prices is when there are not enough well heeled buying any particular commodity to maintain peak prices- we don’t see that happening right now.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We are becoming even more of a world of haves and have nots- and those that have the ability and desire will purchase what they please. Sellers in every aspect are targeting those with the premium dollars to spend. The only thing that brings down prices is when there are not enough well heeled buying any particular commodity to maintain peak prices- we don’t see that happening right now.
And, it's only going to get worse.

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
Even a year ago a simple merry widow was 500 to 750 from many cuemakers. Now it's 1000 to 2000. Thats not inflation, it's gouging. People put up a 10 year joss on facebook for what a new one costs. I wanted to get a scruggs. I backed off. Not gonna pay those prices. Just saw a titleist conversion by tascarella for 4500. Not me. Not ever. What you think?
It's no different than buying a car because of the way it looks, not the way it's built.
Yugo your way and I'll not go your way.


I don't think the price for a competitive playing cue is that bad now. Yes, you can spend a lot but that's always been the case. If you want you can buy a Cuetec Avid for $250.00. That's about what you'd spend for a low end Meucci, McDermott, or even a Merry Widow Joss 32 years ago when I started playing not even counting for inflation. What kills me now is what amateur players spend on all the peripheral stuff like jump cues, break cues, extensions, etc. When I started playing pool 32 years ago, you didn't feel that handicapped (from an equipment standpoint) just carrying your playing cue in a basic case. Yes, break cues and jump cues were a thing but not standard equipment the way they are now. No one felt the need to carry around 2 or 3 different aftermarket shafts that cost more than the cue, either. I guess that's progress but I kind of miss the old days when my Meucci in my little Porper 1x1 case didn't make my cranky should hurt when I had a long walk to the pool room.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Even a year ago a simple merry widow was 500 to 750 from many cuemakers. Now it's 1000 to 2000. Thats not inflation, it's gouging. People put up a 10 year joss on facebook for what a new one costs. I wanted to get a scruggs. I backed off. Not gonna pay those prices. Just saw a titleist conversion by tascarella for 4500. Not me. Not ever. What you think?
tough shit. supply and demand. the market polices itself.


Well-known member
Even a year ago a simple merry widow was 500 to 750 from many cuemakers. Now it's 1000 to 2000. Thats not inflation, it's gouging. People put up a 10 year joss on facebook for what a new one costs. I wanted to get a scruggs. I backed off. Not gonna pay those prices. Just saw a titleist conversion by tascarella for 4500. Not me. Not ever. What you think?

A Scruggs merry widow has not been 500-750 for a decade. Ten years ago you were paying almost 5 for a Frey sneaky.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It seems to me that some of the higher end/higher demand cue makers have gotten more expensive, but a Tasc has always been an expensive cue and the change in price there doesn't seem out of line with general inflation.

I have seen some prices that seem a little...out of line. Newer cue makers charging prices equal to or higher than some pretty established builders for really simple cues. This seems like aspirational pricing to me and you don't see a lot of those cues moving.

But there are still good values out there I feel. Good basic production cues are better than ever for a few hundred bucks. If you want a top performing modern cue about $600 gets you a Cuetec Cynergy and you can get a Revo equipped predator for under $800. That's not bad.

On the custom cue front there are still some decent deals floating around. A Josey merry widow can be had for about $800. You can get a 4 point/4 veneer Gilbert for about $1500....that seems like a really good price for the quality of a Gilbert cue.

Yeah, it's more than it was 10 years ago when I paid $1100 for my 4 point/4 veneer Runde....but $400 more for an equivalent Gilbert after 10 years.....doesn't seem that bad to me and is almost perfectly aligned with CPI inflation across that time period.


Marital Slow Learner.
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Everything is cyclical. Markets fluctuate. Prices are the cure for prices. With pool cues, it's a tough call. Will there always be a niche market for high end cues? Probably. My guess is that as the generations of folks who appreciate high end cues pass on, that market will potentially shrink. As younger folks with less disposable income become the norm, they will likely trend towards the players type cues, carbon fiber, etc. Anyone's guess, and I could be wrong.


Active member
It seems to me that some of the higher end/higher demand cue makers have gotten more expensive, but a Tasc has always been an expensive cue and the change in price there doesn't seem out of line with general inflation.

I have seen some prices that seem a little...out of line. Newer cue makers charging prices equal to or higher than some pretty established builders for really simple cues. This seems like aspirational pricing to me and you don't see a lot of those cues moving.

But there are still good values out there I feel. Good basic production cues are better than ever for a few hundred bucks. If you want a top performing modern cue about $600 gets you a Cuetec Cynergy and you can get a Revo equipped predator for under $800. That's not bad.

On the custom cue front there are still some decent deals floating around. A Josey merry widow can be had for about $800. You can get a 4 point/4 veneer Gilbert for about $1500....that seems like a really good price for the quality of a Gilbert cue.

Yeah, it's more than it was 10 years ago when I paid $1100 for my 4 point/4 veneer Runde....but $400 more for an equivalent Gilbert after 10 years.....doesn't seem that bad to me and is almost perfectly aligned with CPI inflation across that time period.
I just bought a barnhart sneaky with John Davis splice for 1250 shipped. Thought it to be a good deal. I would never buy a schon for 1500 to 2000. I would rather have my andy gilbert at 1100. Mezz, joss, schon all raising prices even more this year. Inflation is past us so now it's gouging.