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  • WOW! did he step in something on the way to work? how do he miss the reference to a Corvette? HOW?

    Quote"Really??? Lumberjack???

    You're telling me Gus Szamboti and Burton Spain are the equalivent of a lumberjack? You really have no clue do you?"

    So, if Gus was working in GB's shop buding the blanks, you're telling everybody here tbat it would still be a 1 man shop???

    You compared GUS AND BURTON to a Yugo......unbelievable the amount of ignorance in your post
    Al, Thanks for the greenie. Just love the banter on a few threads. Still too much personal animosity. Hope to get to meet you soon. May be driving to Vegas in October through St Louis. I'll let you know.

    Thanks for that information also- Schon did attempt to copy GB as well(including szam fronts. I was doing research on all of George's materials. I found a way to get GB woods and some shaft wood from SW. Been a great Christmas present,when it falls through. Evan even has like 50 szam fronts (worth like 1500. min- if he'd only let someone like Rundy .or himself make new schon's with those szam fronts. mark
    pg 328, 329 billiards encyclopedia. Balabushka all the way. Sorry no sense of humor about this mans equipment. Happy New Year.
    Al, it says your pm box is full. I have Pineapple's number for you.

    thanks AL, i need to get lucky soon-I have everything at risk now, and i never blew my $$ on whores, drugs, booze etc. maybe I should have atleast I wouldhave a cool tail to tell.

    my very best
    i was just going over my friends list and somehow you wertn it, I appologise.

    hope your good

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