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  • Hi mnorwood,
    My name is Moe (Hookmehorns on the forum) and I run a Billiard Retail Store in Austin and I would be more then happy to contibute to your great cause. Please e-mail at with more information and I will follow up you regarding.

    Best Regards,
    hey marcus,

    Its been a while since I have been on-- been very busy with school and work.

    Seems as though I might be able to finally get a table of my own. I will probably buy one used, hopefully a GC III or comparable. Anyways, whatever table I decide on I want to put on new rails and cloth. Are there any good mechanics in this area who could do this for me? Whatever table I buy will probably have to be taken down and then set up and I have no earthly idea on how to do this properly anyways. Is there anything else that I should be looking for when buying used?

    I found a table that US Golf and Games was selling(near almeda mall). It was a 9ft brunswick, unknown model. It was in okay shape but was far from being leveled...and the rails made a clunking noise when any ball bounced off. $750 was the asking price.

    well... anyways... I would just like your opinion on the matter


    Phil Mesa
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