Recent content by slach

  1. S

    Looking for CueSilk alternative - Biosilk?

    I've found RainX (for car windshields) extremely slick and inexpensive. Just rub in a tiny amount on a paper towel.
  2. S

    Ali Express Billiard Ball Cleaner? Anyone seen or used one?

    Your table will be embarrassed to be seen with it :unsure:
  3. S

    Projector training system

    These systems look really good and I can see them helping make my practice time more productive. About how much would you need to spend for a good projector and a system? I'm getting by with a grid of Sharpy pen dots on my table at the intersections of the diamonds to set up drills. Low tech...
  4. S

    Pause in Backstroke, Does It Help, How?

    I picked this 'thought' up somewhere (probably from Jerry Brieseth) and found it helps to keep my stroke smooth without jerking at the pause .... With a loose, cradle grip draw the cue back smooth, straight and slow. LET THE CUE STOP ITSELF at the end of the backstroke before transitioning into...
  5. S

    Waste of money pool items

    I remember a few years back someone was selling a hard plastic cap you'd slip over your cue tip. If you hit the cue ball a little off center it would squirt way off so you'd know. Supposed to help teach you to hit center ball and I suppose it would in a way. Don't think they're around any...
  6. S

    Perimeter vs Lite Systems

    Before perimeter lights became the rage I built this with 3 2x2 led panels (home depot - about $35 each) and a minimalist frame of walnut plywood that goes with my table. Very happy with it.
  7. S

    Perimeter vs Lite Systems

    These sure look a lot like the Perimeter lights. Think they're rebranding and selling these at an itty bitty profit?
  8. S

    Which Ball Cleaning Machine is the best in the market today?

    They're just rebranded Chinese machines. A little Google will find a lot of them on AliBaba, Amazon, etc. for dirt cheap. And their lights sure look like these...
  9. S

    Current State of the Art Pool Table Lighting?

    $51 shipping seems pretty good. This MAY be what Perimeter Lighting rebrands/resells (for a LOT more), pictures in Alibaba are the same as on their web site. I'm not recommending, this is just what I ran across on the web.
  10. S

    Current State of the Art Pool Table Lighting?

    Don't know if I'd risk buying from here but the price is pretty illuminating...
  11. S

    Throw vs Cut

    Let's say you have a longish, almost straight shot, just a few degrees off, object ball about mid way between the cue ball and the pocket. Do you prefer to shoot a slight cut or aim straight-in and use a little left or right to throw the object ball? I know there's a lot of other variables...
  12. S

    top driven bucket polisher?

    Not meaning to be harsh, I've built a few ball cleaners myself. Saw this and thought it was funny...
  13. S

    "Gold Crown" Ball Polisher

    Do you get anything like a royalty from Diamond when they sell one of 'your' polishers?
  14. S

    "Gold Crown" Ball Polisher

    Not exactly sure what you mean by off axis, but the platter on the machine in the video is purposely off center with the outside rim to get some multi-axis rotation on the balls. At least I think it does. Nice find on the 450RPM motor! Beautiful machine, my hat's off to you sir!
  15. S

    Which Ball Cleaning Machine is the best in the market today?

    There's some legal loopholes these Chinese companies use to avoid paying any import duties/taxes so you see these amazing prices (in addition to the slave labor and shoddy manufacturing). I heard this morning that congress is looking into closing some of these loopholes and better protect US...