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  • I am at home full time, except for 3-4 hrs. of Snooker on Tuesdays & Saturdays at a Friend’s Home. We play on his Gorgeous Burroughs & Watts 6’x12’ Table. I’m still battling Lymphoma Cancer and Heart Issues, but not giving up just yet.
    Hello Joey, I trust this message finds you in Excellent Health. I’m getting stronger and able to drive short trips to Snooker and Pool 2-3 times a week. My Cancer has stopped growing (for now), thanks to a Magic Pill I take each day. I have a Great Physical Therapist who works with me twice weekly, and may be able to try Action Shooting again (after 4 yrs. of hiatus). Competition Shooting is My 1st Love, with Billiards Games close behind. Take Good Care of Yourself and keep on Enjoying Life in the Great Outdoors........ My Best Regards, Howard
    Howard so very sorry to hear about your health...I haven't been on much...I am living in a very rural area and enjoying the Black Hills except we have very cold weather now...I always enjoyed your posts Howard...Your a really good person..My prayers are with you friend...PM me whenever you like...Love your avatar pic..Joe
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