Jayson Shaw going to Dubai?

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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for what? It there a major tournament coming up there?
I think he meant permanently. Or as permanently as he moved to the US.

Some countries with a lot of money pay top sports people to live and work in the country. Part of it is the prestige of having that well known person there and part of it is that they train the locals. I can imagine that he has an offer to have a pool hall there. An offer that involves a nice lot of money.

Related to which.... In Barry Hearn's autobiography, he relates a story from when he was managing a few snooker players and before Matchroom really took off. He was managing Steve Davis, who was one of the people who changed the game of snooker. Barry got a call from a man in London who was representing the Sultan of Brunei. His Majesty wanted lessons from Steve Davis in London for a prince. Having dealt with some rich people and maybe not sure if Steve would be up for it, Barry said, "Mr. Davis is the World Champion. The fee will be 20,000 pounds per hour." The rep came back with, "That will be fine. Please book ten hours and have a table set up where the Prince is staying."


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
talking about moving there. he's talking shit about the US. Fk him. i think the guy's a colossal tool anyway.
I remember a few months ago he was pushing a his new pool room in Dubai on a MR video. He was gushing about how nice the people were, how it was nice that his family could walk down the street and feel safe, how the country appreciates pool, etc. He mentioned he was considering a permanent move there.

Here is a link to his room https://knightshot.com/jayson-shaws-billiard-lounge/

Here is the video:


Raised by Wolves in a Pool Hall
Silver Member


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think he meant permanently. Or as permanently as he moved to the US.

Some countries with a lot of money pay top sports people to live and work in the country. Part of it is the prestige of having that well known person there and part of it is that they train the locals. I can imagine that he has an offer to have a pool hall there. An offer that involves a nice lot of money.

Related to which.... In Barry Hearn's autobiography, he relates a story from when he was managing a few snooker players and before Matchroom really took off. He was managing Steve Davis, who was one of the people who changed the game of snooker. Barry got a call from a man in London who was representing the Sultan of Brunei. His Majesty wanted lessons from Steve Davis in London for a prince. Having dealt with some rich people and maybe not sure if Steve would be up for it, Barry said, "Mr. Davis is the World Champion. The fee will be 20,000 pounds per hour." The rep came back with, "That will be fine. Please book ten hours and have a table set up where the Prince is staying."
This is why when liv golf was paying all these players and people were saying paying that money will never work financially you didn’t get it. These guys Collect million dollar veyrons like we collect match box cars. That money means nothing to them lol 20,000 pounds and hour was the equivalent to a mcdonalds breakfast for us 😂


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I admire Jayson's sense of optimism. I think it may be easy for him to adjust to life there because he's young. I wish him and his family the very best.


AzB Gold Member
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I love pool, but I don't think there's bass there, so that wouldn't work for me. Brian...I love to fish.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
is connecticut unsafe? i thought it was like vermont, new hampshire etc

either way. i would never go to dubai. i just don't like anything about that part of the world. don't care how much makeup you put on it, it's still an islamic dictatorship
regardless of their so-called 'reforms' women are still basically 2nd-class citizens over there.


Rolling Thunder
Silver Member
is connecticut unsafe? i thought it was like vermont, new hampshire etc

either way. i would never go to dubai. i just don't like anything about that part of the world. don't care how much makeup you put on it, it's still an islamic dictatorship
Of course they are unsafe. Just like California and Oregon.