Brunswick Blue Diamond tips

Thunder Thighs

I'm your Huckleberry
Silver Member
I just bought a box of these. They're 12mm so I'm going to use them for my English pool and snooker cues. If they're good, I'll even try them on my Z shaft. Care to share your thoughts and experience on these?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I used to always play with Blue Diamonds. They hold chalk well but are not very good at holding their shape (MHO).

Greg M

Active member
I've seen a lot of people on TSF using them for their snooker and English pool cues. Haven't tried them myself as I've always stuck with Elks and Elk Pros in the past.


I see dead balls
Silver Member
Meh..I bought some of these tips years ago in various sizes and tried them on almost all my cues. On my snooker cue, I thought they were all right. Nothing spectacular, but playable. Not too dissimilar to an Elk master. If I had the choice I'd rather have an elkmaster or even a lepro, though. On my pool cues I thought they were not good at all. I didn't get the action I expected, it was like the energy got sucked out of the cue ball. For instance I felt I didn't get enough draw. Now, this has never really been a problem for me, so I found that rather puzzling. It seemed to be like that on all the various shafts I tried it on. I also tried to press one (like I do with my lepros) with disastrous results. It's hard to explain what happened, but If you examine a blue diamond tip up close it looks very "fibrous" if that is a word. When I heated it up and pressed it, it became even more so, and almost didn't resemble a leather tip anymore but more like a ball of yarn
:LOL:I press all of my LePros and Elkmasters but never had anything like that happen to any tip before or since. Maybe it was a freak accident with a tip that had something wrong with it, IDK. Anyway, I lost all faith in these tips and haven't really tried them since.

Tips are very personal. I know a lot of good snooker players who use these tips and prefer them to all others.
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Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
Granted I don't hit harder than medium speed too often, I have found little reason to dud selected Elkmasters. Elkmaster has started offering an Elkmaster Pro. It is around three dollars last I noticed and is exactly the same as a good Elkmaster from what I have read.

Out of a box of fifty Elkmasters I got nine that were super light. I suspect if someone gets one of these tips they wouldn't be happy. I round filed them.

There were four super heavy tips, all the same weight however. I wanted to test these, they got lost in a hurricane before I did.

The remaining tips fell into two groups that all weighed the same inside a group. These are very good tips. Very slight mushrooming when new, nothing thereafter. Well under fifty cents each for some very nice playing tips.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Granted I don't hit harder than medium speed too often, I have found little reason to dud selected Elkmasters. Elkmaster has started offering an Elkmaster Pro. It is around three dollars last I noticed and is exactly the same as a good Elkmaster from what I have read.

Out of a box of fifty Elkmasters I got nine that were super light. I suspect if someone gets one of these tips they wouldn't be happy. I round filed them.

There were four super heavy tips, all the same weight however. I wanted to test these, they got lost in a hurricane before I did.

The remaining tips fell into two groups that all weighed the same inside a group. These are very good tips. Very slight mushrooming when new, nothing thereafter. Well under fifty cents each for some very nice playing tips.

elkpro's run over a $11EACH.
I just bought a box of these. They're 12mm so I'm going to use them for my English pool and snooker cues. If they're good, I'll even try them on my Z shaft. Care to share your thoughts and experience on these?

View attachment 750864
I USED BD TIPS IN THE 90'S EXCLUSIVELY UNTIL I FOUND MOORI, ANYWAY LOOKING IN MY TIP BOX AND DISCOVERED 3 bd TIPS 14mm,sooo,I think I'll put one on one of my shafts this week and do a comparison vs kamui ss which I like very much

Greg M

Active member
I recently picked up some Mike Wooldridge SuperTips. I stuck a calfskin ADR147 on my backup playing cue the other night and was surprised to find how hard the tip was. I even had trouble trimming it down with a blade.

I think once the Century G3 on my main cue goes, I'll be sticking a SuperTip on. I hope they win me over, as I've yet to settle on a forever tip.