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  1. S

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    All right, I watched the vid and can see what we're dealing with here. Give me a little time to digest everything and I'll get back to you with some thoughts and recommendations.
  2. S

    State Open Tournaments?

    You're comparing apples to oranges.
  3. S

    State Open Tournaments?

    The highlighted does not exist. Unless you can come up with a way to convince 40-50 players to put up $125 plus spend another $50-$75 for gas, food, drink, etc. when there's no chance of any reward, you are dead in the water.
  4. S

    State Open Tournaments?

    The 2 most recent attempts at something similar were Ed Liddawi's National Billiard League which never really made it off the ground (for numerous reasons) and Joe Tucker's American rotation which lasted a little longer. Both of these guys have way more knowledge and experience than the OP...
  5. S

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    Your thinking was somewhat correct. If the downtable layout was more open and accessible then cutting the table in half is a tenet of good 14.1 play. Options....another key to success, along with insurance. Like anything else, when you try making changes, results may be worse at first. This...
  6. S

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    What I highlighted is why you need to try and change your thought process. It's not oriented towards solving problems. Those 5 balls are all easily accessible and aren't a problem. When you shoot them off one after another without using any of them to try and solve the problems that do exist in...
  7. S

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    Have a little time to expand on a couple things. Since SSOP's site crashed that video is gone. Watch his rack of the week 139. Then watch Precision again. I'd be curious as to whether your perception of Precision changes a little. One thing about Rack of the week 139 is something Bob K said at...
  8. S

    Simple aiming system

    We aren't talking about what you said or explained. We are talking about what TK said to you. Unless, of course, it's all a complete fabrication, which wouldn't surprise anyone who knows you well.
  9. S

    Simple aiming system

    The only thing kindergarten level is BA knowledge of pool. If he continues to post incorrect or plain everyday fabrications I will continue to challenge him. Sorry it bothers you. Ignore button is an option.
  10. S

    Simple aiming system

    Yes, you already told us that. You also told us that he said in post 158 the issue at hand was due to deflecting the CB. Then in post 167 he changed it to incorrect speed or microjumps or so you say. Well, which is it cuz they aren't the same in most people's universe. Perhaps you live in a...
  11. S

    Simple aiming system

    I guess you're just too smart for the rest of us. We have a very difficult time understanding plain English. Don't play with fireworks tomorrow, you need those fingers so you can continue to school us.
  12. S

    Simple aiming system

    Must have taken quite awhile to dream that up. Pretty difficult to say 2 completely different things and then find a way to say they're actually the same. The hole keeps getting deeper.
  13. S

    Simple aiming system

    So in this post it's for one reason...... .......but a completely different reason in this post. Sad how the straws you grasp at get smaller and smaller as your ego grows and grows.
  14. S

    Simple aiming system

    Again, what does that mean? Are you disputing the fact that one player may err to the right and another to the left? How about getting TK to tell us directly what he thinks. That's not gonna happen, is it.
  15. S

    Simple aiming system

    Another post that makes no sense. They could be slightly off in either direction, correct?
  16. S

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    You can start with a video by SSOP called linear thinking. It's one of his racks of the week. It might give you an idea of what I'm talking about. That's just the beginning. Every shot and position play you make has to have the most value possible. You have to refine your thought process to...
  17. S

    2024 AZ Billiards Straight Pool Challenge!

    You may have a few small issues with fundamentals, etc. but should be able to run more balls anyway. I'd suggest walking the table more. Doing the brainwash drill an hour a week. Biggest things slowing you down are probably shot selection and a lack of imagination. You seem to just go from ball...
  18. S

    Simple aiming system

    Double o, you do realize I hope, that cutting beyond B would be close to a 90 degree cut. This whole thing is just another case of you putting forth a theory that you dreamed up and then defending it to the death to assuage your ego. Perhaps you should see a pool shrink.
  19. S

    Simple aiming system

    Clue? There is no clue. I can't believe you don't know that the phrase "don't have a clue " means clueless, ignorant, unaware. Maybe I should have said D players are clueless, as in, they very seldom have any idea what they're doing. Reminds me of someone's posts.
  20. S

    Simple aiming system

    Very good analysis of the difference between levels of players. Similar to my earlier post. D's don't have a clue (miss wildly), C's may or may not have a clue (50/50), B's have a clue and are working on gaining knowledge and refining their skills.