Search results

  1. boyersj

    Bob Runde Repair

    My dad has an original Runde Schon, SP47 that has some inlays coming out. Does anyone know if Bob would do a repair? Its never been touched.
  2. boyersj

    Accustats buffering problem

    Is anyone else watching the DCC accustats Stream having significant buffering problems? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. boyersj

    Why do you want to improve?

    I want to ask this specific question because I am going through a process of deep understanding my game. I have come to the point where in order to become the player I think I want to be I have to answer the question, "Why do I want to improve at pool?" Becoming a better player requires work...
  4. boyersj

    Wtb WOP by Eddie Robins

    Looking for a copy of this highly regarded one pocket book. Please PM edition, price, and condition of book. Thanks! Steve Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. boyersj

    2016 DCC Bank Ring Game

    Does anyone know who is in the ring game this year? One of the greatest events at the Derby!
  6. boyersj

    Southern Indiana Charity Shootout - Jan 8-11

    American Cancer Society is chosen charity for this year, Cash payout is 100% entry There are three (3) events this year, all played on 22 Diamond smart tables, $1 per game. APA rules will be used. Sleepless at the Clarion 9-Ball Tournament -Starts 9 p.m. CDT Jan. 8th Double elimination, $20...
  7. boyersj

    Airline travelling with Instroke 3 x 7 Cowboy

    I got a question, I am going to be flying with my cue and I need to buy another piece of luggage. I am torn between buying a rolling duffle and a regular suitcase. The duffle bags that are large enough to hold my 34" long case are borderline or exceed the 62 linear inches maximum for checked...
  8. boyersj

    Instroke case latch

    Has anyone had a latch break on an instroke case and who can repair it? Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  9. boyersj

    Upgrading lesson

    I want to thank Scott Lee again for his time and spending it with my partner and my dad. Driving several hours out of your way to do out upgrade. We had a great time while I went through my review for PBIA "Certified" Instructor. I am excited to continue down the road of teaching more about the...
  10. boyersj

    Looking for NE Indiana activity

    Travelling to Angola/Fort Wayne and looking for where pool players are hanging out or a tournament this weekend. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
  11. boyersj

    Open 9 ball tournament in Evansville, IN Sept. 14

    Tournament to be held at O'Brians 1801 N Green River Rd, Evansville, IN 47715 (812) 401-4630 Tournament Details: Race to 7 on winners side, 5 on losers side Alternating Break $25 entry + $10 green fee - 32 player field limit Bar adding $200 Play will be on five (5) 7' Diamond tables Signups...
  12. boyersj

    WTB Willards Tip Machine

    In the market for a tip install machine! Thanks, Steve
  13. boyersj

    APA player went up, how to approach LTC finals

    League question that I would like honest opinions because tonight we have match to qualify for NTC. I have a SL6 who went up during the last match of tri-annuals to get into our LTC. We also had a SL4 who went up to a SL5. Our team make-up was 7-5-5-5-5-4-3-3 and now it is 7-6-5-5-5-5-3-3. The...
  14. boyersj

    Pocketing balls on the break

    I have been through the lessons, became an instructor and have taught quite a few of my own lessons. Myself and my students are a combined 7-0 in APA playoffs, with 2 teams qualifying for the Tri-annual phase of NTC qualification. My mechanics have improved dramatically but there is one...
  15. boyersj

    Tell me what you think

    I was inspired to post my own video to get some feedback. As it should be easily seen, I have my own table, an 8' Olhausen with 860 HR cloth. I have time to practice about an hour a day in the evenings and probably 10 hours on the weekends. I have hit a plateau and been there quite a while. I...
  16. boyersj

    WTB 1993 Schon Shaft "Schon 13"

    Hey, I see these for sale from time to time and requested also. I am in the market for one of the old 1993 schon shafts stamped in the collar. I know I have no itrader score but my ebay score is perfect and I promise for a quick and smooth transaction as long as the price is reasonable and...
  17. boyersj

    8 ft Simonis 860 HR

    I am looking to see if anyone out there has some tournament blue 860 HR they would like to sell? Thanks!
  18. boyersj

    Simonis 860 HR identification

    Quick question - does the 860 HR simonis have the HR imprinted on the top of the cloth on the ends? Thanks in advanced!
  19. boyersj

    Table cloth speed question

    I have a used 8' Olhausen I purchased about a year ago and had 860 simonis put onto it. At first it felt "sluggish" for new cloth. About a month afterwards I noticed it was pretty loose and had to have an area inside the pocket be repaired. At that time the felt was re-stretched. This table has...
  20. boyersj

    Tip age

    I have a question that I would like to ask, and that is when do you know it is time to change your tip? In my previous years I played so much I would wear the height of the tip to where it was obvious to change. However a few years ago I switched to sniper tips and the same tips have been on...