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  1. jojopiff

    Mosconi Cup Experience

    Sounds like it's not for you. Nothing wrong with that. It is for some people. I met a couple dudes from Germany who went through a lot to get there (missed flights due to passport issues and no refunds) and missed day 1 altogether (that they paid for) and were still absolutely thrilled...
  2. jojopiff

    Mosconi Cup Experience

    Not at all. $332/person/day. Came with early entry at 5pm. Free dinner, free drinks all night, 2 pro's from each team came in for about 20 minutes for photo's/autographs, & a pool table to knock em around on.
  3. jojopiff

    Mosconi Cup Experience

    Computer malfunction... I have been very critical of the "over-doing" of the celebrations in prior years. And after attending I am very much changing my mind. Maybe it's cause we caught another serious ass-whooping but it adds tremendously to the event live, IMO. I wouldn't change anything...
  4. jojopiff

    Mosconi Cup Experience

    Yes. In the last match after our 2nd or 3rd win it went to TV break. Everyone except SVB went out to talk/congratulate after that win. SVB stayed sitting. All players looked at SVB and put their hand over the top of their eyes as if to be looking far off/looking for something. It was very clear...
  5. jojopiff

    Mosconi Cup Experience

    My experience was very much mixed. Most of which has nothing to do with the USA getting smoked. I had VIP tickets for day 2 and 3 and the VIP experience was great. All of the food/drink you want and easily accessible. Maybe certain hard liquors cost money but I only drank beer which was all free...
  6. jojopiff

    Expect to pay more .

    I own a small trucking company (since 2008) and this has been in the works for years. COVID put it over the top. We pull mainly refrigerated trailers for context. Back in 2017 (I believe, maybe 2018) the DOT mandated E-Logs and that pushed out some of the old timers. Insurance has been on a...
  7. jojopiff

    Rackem TV SVB vs Dennis issues

    I’m on. No issues at all for the 30 minutes I’ve been on.
  8. jojopiff

    SVB and Dennis score.

    Tough roll for SVB. Plays a lock up safe but accidentally back banked the 2 ball full table in. Gave DO BIH. 20-15. DO struggled through the rack. He's been watching a lot of pool the last 15 or so racks.
  9. jojopiff

    SVB and Dennis score.

    SVB forced to play a tough full table bank on the 2. Smoothes it and runs out again. 20-14.
  10. jojopiff

    SVB and Dennis score.

    BNR SVB. Banked the 2 and went around the table and almost got stuck on the 6. Just cleared it and cleared the rack. 19-14
  11. jojopiff

    SVB and Dennis score.

    18-14 svb.....
  12. jojopiff

    Shane vanboening vs dennis orcollo

    I was never able to get on my phone. Watching from my laptop now. They're on break but stream appears good now,.
  13. jojopiff

    Shane vanboening vs dennis orcollo

    Same here. I guess I’m gonna request a refund too. Not my preference but...
  14. jojopiff

    Shane vanboening vs dennis orcollo

    Any answers...same here.
  15. jojopiff

    Aranas vs. Filler Ten Ball

    This is a ridiculous performance today by Filler. And, enjoyable to watch with a brisk pace of play.
  16. jojopiff

    Pool player gone missing after BCA Nationals

    Thank you, he was located this morning.
  17. jojopiff

    Pool player gone missing after BCA Nationals

    FOUND AND SAFE. THANKS!!!! Guy from my town has gone missing after BCA Nationals at the Rio. He was s player and ref. If you’re in Vegas please keep an eye out. Thank you
  18. jojopiff

    Disappointing gesture from Shane

    Its 2019, if you’re not offended you simply aren’t trying hard enough.
  19. jojopiff

    I dont get all the questioning fargo ratings lately

    For those like myself, who basically never play Fargo events, it’s easier to beat than any system. If I win I go up, if I lose I go down. League night if I go 0-4 I figure I’m going down 3-8 points depending on their Fargo. Pretty easy to beat that. With a robustness of only 300 it’s easy to...