thanks mickey...we didnt end up getting to go anyways. Ended up playing Just 2 more last night with dave and rebecca. Money's too tight to play 2 days in a row right now.
Jerry is here in Pearland just south of Houston. He makes great cues. I shoot with one as well. There have been a few people that have gone and picked up an Olivier as well after shooting with mine.
i'll be there from the 13th-23rd...scotch doubles, singles, and teams.
i got in the money in all 3 catagories last year, hopefully i'll do even better this year.
i wouldnt be embarrased to post a lucassi in your sig. my first playing cue was a lucassi and it hit great. i actually just suggested to another guy in a different thread that a lucasi is a great playing cue between $200-$400.
but on a different note, i really have the olivier that i have...
i personally like how a lucasi hits and they are cheap. my wife bought me an exotic wood lucassi for $375. now it sits and collects dust since i got my olivier. here is a link to the one i got.
you say this from experience or just hear say??? i've been playing out of there for about 5 years...not a bad place at all. the only time anything "shady" happens is when stupid people come in and get drunk and mouthy...
if yall are in the Houston/Pasadena area, you should come out tonight. trying to get this tournament back up to over 30 lately, been getting around 20-23 people. we have good people running the tournament so there is no bullshit waiting or sitting around with open tables.
To get...
i've seen it done twice. we were playing a cheap game of 3-ball and a guy that cant shoot a lick got up there and blasted them....go figure, ace.
second time, 12 people playing $5/man. guy shot a 2, thought it was in the bag. 3 men later, ace...
thats liquor license and have to get rid of all that alcohol somehow. i know that bobby pacheco is going and i am pretty sure that i will make it as well.