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  1. J

    Is this a double-kiss?

    It's difficult to tell, other than I believe the ball would have gone in regardless of a double kiss or not (which of course is not relevant for the case).
  2. J

    Mosconi cup

    I believe all upstream from the venue was down, meaning only those on location would see what was going on.
  3. J

    Pocket Size

    Assuming that you're talking about Russian billiards (12' table, 2 ⅔'' balls) The pockets in Russian billiards are tight, but it is a different game with completely different mindset. Once learned, the game is not as difficult as it seems.
  4. J

    Rasson 4 inch pockets

    If the cue ball touches another ball in the pocket before bouncing out, then it is a foul.