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    Make It's on

    Who's playing at 9:30?
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    FargoRate Alex Pagulayan

    The thing about the Fargo rate scores is that the top 50 are all very close. Mike Page pointed out that Alex is only 5 points out of the top 10 and those five points can come in one or two sets. The way the system is set up there will always be some variation.
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    Consistency of APA Ratings

    My understanding is that a LO has the ability to lock in a player's handicap. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
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    Explaining who Efren is to my wife

    Are they all just the same color then?
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    Great White.... Free Drawing.....

    I use your soft tip and love it and would like to test out your chalk.
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    May 21-24 All Star Cast of Commentators - Buffalo's Professional One Pocket

    Then Alex goes 8 and out to go up 3-0 in games.
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    Video: 1994 pro tour Valley Forge 9-ball. 2 semis + final, all very riveting

    What about Nick Varner throwing his jump cue?
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    April 24-26 16 Top Professionals - 8 Ball Race to 15 - BIG MONEY!

    Does SVB have to lose twice or just once?
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    Scott Frost Wins Andy Mercer at Rum Runner

    Here is the match between SVB and Frost
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    APA Rules Question

    I spoke to a ref yesterday and he confirmed that it was in fact a foul but it's only defined in the ref's rule book. He said if it's ever an issue to call a division director since they should know it's a foul. What I don't get is why isn't there a definition of a legal stroke in the rule book?
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    APA Rules Question

    I did check the rules and it never describes a leagal stroke. I've seen players that are certified refs do it but I saw a ref call a foul on it so I was hoping to find a specific rule.
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    APA Rules Question

    What qualifies as a legal stroke in APA? I'm asking because at my regional qualifiers this weekend I saw a few players use their fingers to lift the cue to brush the CB to slow roll an OB close to the rail. A legal hit or not?
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    Matchroom Mosconi Cup Graded Scale Point Events

    If a US player won the WPA 9-ball event I don't see how they couldn't get picked as a wild card...
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    Easier To Make Most Shots With Draw?

    Stun magnifies throw I can't find the video now but I believe Dr. Dave did a video and showed that hitting an object ball with a stunned cue magnifies cut induced throw and can lead to a loss of accuracy.
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    Mark Wilson Selected For 2015 Cup.

    Qualifiers this Year There are going to be points awarded at 4 or 5 9-ball tournaments this year and the top three players will be on the team plus 2 captains picks. So it almost mirrors the Euro selection criteria.
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    The physics of the break

    Thanks for link! Anyone else bothered by black ball in the wrong spot?
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    Darren's Mosconi Thread on Facebook

    It's just tough to get excited about the 3rd worst Mosconi Cup performance
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    Todays Masconi Cup push out player order?

    Corey is the one who pushed out not JS
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    Day 2 Mosconi Matches in Progress Coverage

    Did Bergman make the wrong call in putting Niels back from in after the push?
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    Euro team picks, who and why

    The five spots were picked as follows: two wild cards (Boyes and Appelton), highest eurotour ranking(Gray), highest WPBA points (Niels) and highest combined WPBA and Eurotour points( Nick the Greek).