Watching the bank pool ring game and...


Clear the table!
Silver Member
Bank pool a spectator sport?

Maybe its just me, but I always thought bank pool was a lot like golf or bowling. That is; it is more of a participation game rather than a spectator game. I don't by any means take anything away from the talent it takes to make some incredible bankshots, but it loses some appeal to the average spectator.

+1 for rotation games as they move a bit faster. :smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Walk around the table... lay tip on the table... shake head...
walk around the other side... line up another shot with the shaft... shake head...

go back to first shot... shake head some more, grimace... sigh. get down into shooting stance... slide up bridge hand across the cloth... suddenly stand up...

do some 'air strokes' with the closed bridge. Let go of the shaft. Start to duck down, then bob back up. Slowly go back and forth on the shaft while thinking some more...

get down again. Two slow practice strokes. Stand up, back away a few steps, then bend down, hands on knees, sighting down the line of the shot...

approach the shot again. Start to bend down, stop, look down at belt line, make sure you're not about to bump any balls with your belly. Stand up, walk over to the chalk, chalk thoroughly. Do some quick slicking motions down the cue shaft...

settle into shooting stance... slow practice strokes. slow practice strokes. some more slow practice strokes. Finally, a deliberate pullback.... WHACK.

Ok, that's one ball down. Next shot.

Creedo buddy, that is just brutal... I almost called in tonight to catch this... Feel a little bit better for being a responsible working stiff/father...

tx for sharing :cool: