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  • Little late to answer your question perhaps, but the truth is the picture shows Earl with my late cat Romeo. He was a ragdoll. What many people don't know about Earl is that he is a kind and overly generous man, he loves cats and he has a conscience; something that many pool players, in my experience lack. As a website developer, I have thousands of pictures on my computers and I'll be damned if I find that picture. If you have a copy how about sending it to me at Anyway, thanks for the rep. You are a real positive to this form we both love.
    Didn't you tell me who Cleveland Steamer was? I forgot.
    Anyway, I really don't have anything against JAM, although I think she's a bit of a busy body, but I'll tell you here and now I can't stand JoeyA. I think he's nothing more than an ass kisser deluxe.
    Thanks for all the greenies.
    By the way I have more that 1 1/2 times as long in the APA as you do! I am speaking from experience. In 1982 I had the reps from the old Busch league come in to my bar and explain the "Pyramid system" in the 23 Rule and how it could help my business. I was also a LO for the Heart Of Ohio Pool League. In '92 I brought it to Cincinnati and had to pound the pavement going to every bar in the greater Cincinnati area selling the Heart of Ohio. Usually all I had to do was explain that it wasn't the APA and there was no 23 rule and I had my foot in the door. By the second round I was eating the APA's lunch in this area! I do have an intimate knowledge of the APA's and league systems. I just happen to know the truth and the whole truth about the APA and it's not pretty! Sherm
    Thanks for the red. You broke my cherry! First red for me. lol Maybe I should have hyphenated the term "real pool-players" I don't feel that APA is "real pool". It's a game of handicap manipulations that has nothing to do with playing "real pool". Sorry if you disagree but that's how I see it and I've been deeply involved in the mostly professional side of pool for over 30 years. I hate to see it ruined with a league that only cares about making money for the St. Louis pair. Have a good day sir!
    Thanks for the comment. If we all agreed on everything, it would be pretty boring life. I try to remember "on line" personalities are not the real person. The written world is not always the best form of communication.
    I still think he might be some millionaire or the son of one and doesn't care about money. And of course he doesn't like Mike. Or, could be someone really older from the past who wants to give Mike a shot. I always wonder why the older players don't play anymore like Keith McCready. I know they were good enough to play. Unless they are like me...depressed and too lazy to play. I lost my job just over 3 years ago...looked for a job and no one ever called me for work. So, after being so depressed and feeling hopeless, I signed up for Social Security Disability. I don't know if I'll get it, but it will sure help. I'm 58, sell pool cues and do tips, shafts and ferrules. I make a great break tip out of material that is over 30 years old. I think it might be bake-lite. Works real good for jumping too.
    I'm glad you got to see Dave Daya. He's been of the best in PA for the last 35 years. He's not scared. I've seen him in some big tournaments and just out loud challenge anyone for money. He was not shy about it.

    I was lucky enough to beat him in the PA State Open in eight ball a couple years ago in Williamsport. We were in the losers bracket and it was only a race to three.

    Wish I wasn't so lazy. I would love to play and travel again. I played in the Reds Tournament in 1985 in Texas. I was one out of the money. Beat Sammy Jones and Mark Jarvis. I really do just like to play and have fun.

    Thanks for the green rep,
    John Barnshaw
    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Jack Bauer loves Ice Cream!!! Too bad it wouldn't let me give you more greenies yet, that is uber funny :rofl:
    Damn. My memory is getting as short as my pecker now. Archer and Kim Davenport own Marietta Billiards. Very big. Very nice place. All 9'. One special 9' Diamond triple shimmed. If you take a trip down that way, I highly recommend it.
    I'd love to get to a table to test the artillery but it's hard to. When I get things together, hopefully soon, Ima come to maryland and hunt you down for some pool. I have Family around there....where the hell is Maryland and what are they known for?
    Funny joke you sent....I've heard a ton of Boudreaux & Thibodeaux jokes over the years...Some are pretty funny !
    Thank you. I value your opinion. You know, it really isn't the systems themselves that annoy me. To each his own, I say. It's just that Joey and JB are a burr under my saddle.
    You're dead on about the Pro's also. Thanks again.
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