The Kid Part 4


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
We find ourselves back in the pool room after a few days absence.I hate to have to repeat myself so often ,but in order to understand how all this action is happening has only a little to do with Las Vegas,many are the times when there is no action at all.$5 pool,$100
more talk than pool.

The fact of the matter is,pool is and always has been the bottom of the gambling barrel.
Pool players talk,knock,complain and relish in their misery more than playing.

Whereas the typical pool player creates an atmosphere of distrust,suspicion and cynicism that takes the practical result of discouraging action.In order to help you see the situation,a player comes into the room,loses a few hundred and the knockers call him a sucker,the players brag about their success ,the fella decides not to risk all this criticism,people like to gamble ,but no one wants to be seen as a sucker,a fool,an idiot and that is the practical result of all the 2 bit conversation we hear,

You don't believe me,just read the threads"I heard this,i heard that,I told him such and such,made him post,I made him gamble ,and I ran umpteen racks"

These blowhard egotist make me sick,it's all about me,me ,me,I this I that
Well it would take an idiot to play these guys who post on here,Lets say tony is gonna play Bustamonte,go to the action threads,you don't need to know the players ,just see who these know it all pool detective,psuedo bookies are picking

But in contrast the Kid is creating a climate of opportunity,a place for the fellas to play an easy mark who loses most of his bets,bets on everything,enjoys himself.has more money than they ever thought possible and everyone knows "the fool and his money will soon part",all you need to do is be there when the great parting begins

Of course the patrons dream of waiting for a lock,the nuts,a sure thing and betting it all,they then assume all they need do is the same thing over 2 or three times and ,presto they strike it big

But unfortunately for these wise guys,the kid knows what they are thinking,and how to get them to bet on things that look good ,but really are not quite the lock,the sure thing,the nuts don't always win

How?you may ask does he accomplish that"?

The kid bets and bets and others around you are winning,winning,and winning.Its not what you expected,the kid might win,but that has only rarely happened and if you keep waiting for two aces you might never play,greed,ambition,covetous of all king fuel the inner man to fleece this poor lamb before the wool is gone,won by others

Soon the extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of the crowd will draw in even the most careful patron..Remember Tulip mania,the south sea swindles, ?

Have you ever been playing chess,bearing down on your fellow man's king ,when outta the clear blue ,he says "check mate"

Well here we are the kid is presented one proposition after another,he falls for it,he pays off,he smiles ,sometimes he offers to bet more sometimes less,oh what fun it is to bet without fear.

One thing we do observe is that the kid never makes the offer,never brings forth the proposition,well there was that one goofy bank shot where even Eddie Taylor ,smart Eddie Taylor,The greatest bank pool player ever Eddie Taylor,got bamboozled.
But that was an accident,luck,blind hog luck,once in a million.

So the patrons offer the bets,the kid takes the bets or sometimes he doesn't.So everyone is scheming,plotting,conniving,sneaking up on the kid,heck its us against the kid,but don't let anyone know.

That math problem backfired,but other than that and the lucky bank,and beating all those poker players by shoving money down their throat,we will put this kid in his place,this is Vegas baby! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,and this kids money is stayin in Vegas.

These and similar thoughts permeate the thinking of the patrons,the kibitzersthe smarts,guys like us right. Mob logic,mob collective frenzy and now the climate is set.

If you asked anyone there ,they would all accord"it is just a matter of time"

somebody will offer this Kid a bet he can't refuse and whop,we got him

So the fun goes on,but not everyone is just idly hoping for a good proposition to come up,Casino and the KP send his man jack to the university to the math department for some tricky,math problems to fool the kid with.

They get about a half dozen and our hero tries em all ,finally they have a studious pundit come forth with a crazy sounding math question , in amazes everyone there and the kid passes on it,but the crowd won't letit go.

Over and over they restate the question,one guy says in an authoritative air"i am professor Friedberg from the Unlv department of psychology and my friend here is a math professor and ,in her opinioon there is not enough information in the problem to answer it"

Well every eye looks at the homely broad from the mathematics faculty and shrugs
both shoulders as if to say"i thought so"or"that settles That"

But wait,remember the bookish looking little square john who brought forth the question ,the puzzle,the math problem in the first place.Well this little fella,with an air of superiority and condescension to the great unwashed public states
"I assure you,it is in fact a math problem,and in the event that someone takes the problem on,I will demonstrate the solution to the satisfaction of all concerned before
accepting my winning"

So how much are you wanting to bet?
All I have on me,or exactly $357 which he pulls out of his old dusty wallet.
The kid says"bet"
implying acceptance of the terms
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So the kid ask for the story to be read again,looks at the guy and grins saying "this is a math problem right"

the little guy says it is

If you can not prove it you lose right,right

ok ,but i need pencil and paper to write it down and i need about an hour to try it

agreed and the bet is on

the pencil is brought with paper
the crowd moans ,suddenly KP says "i will take $100 ,000
,casino chimes in then a few more high rollers and the kid says'Thats all
and stops the bidding at $500,000"

the proposition is written down as follows
"Two college math professors meet after a long time at the college professor reunion.
One says "long time npo see"the next one...good to see you.are you married



"well if you multiply their ages the product is 36

i still don't know the ages

well,do you remember the address on that build next to the library where we played chess as youngsters

yes,i do

well add all 3 ages and that is the sum

i still don't know

and the conversation turns to personal matters, when the prof says my two girls look like me but their older brother looks like my wife,funny?

the other prof now says good bye and tells him the age of the children,he knows do you?

How old are the children?

to you guys on az,have fun with this one

For our purposes all ages are whole numbers,no fraction,counting numbers funny business
i will give you guys 1 hour
to make it fun,don't peek in case some one figures it out first
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Or 2,2 and 9 or 1,2 and 18.
Wish I knew the address of the building where they played chess
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Come on fellas,put some effort into this

As we see the wild guesses,you can imagine the actual scene when this proposition was first offered


and you guys have the luxury of time,privacy and a cool head

cue fix

Silver Member
A shot in the dark. His girls are 6 and their older brother doesn't count because he is not his. 6X6=36 which is the Product, you add his daughters ages 6+6=12 which is the Sum
What did I win?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
you guys see why this was such a challenge

surely you guys can do better than wild guesses
the gamblers at the pool room were feeling like this was impossible
are you about to that point too?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I give up. Without the address I can't see how to figure which set of numbers are correct.

john coloccia

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's 2,2,9.

It doesn't matter that you don't know the building number. It matters that he DOES... :)

Incidentally, it DID take me just about an hour of thinking about it on and off until the light bulb went on. Tough problem!
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
we have a couple of winners

neat problem?

back to the pool room,now that you guys have wrestled with the problem for a while,you get the idea in that arena.
The kid has cut off the betting and the problem has been read,stated,confirmed.all bets are off if the problem can not be proven after its over

"hey kid,wtatsa matter,you never closed the window before,How about a little action?

the kid laughs,i was scared but after hearing the problem,i think i can do it"
"wanna bet?'

I told ya,I think ican do it,i need some quiet for a minute

Casino pipes up"Kid ,a million says you can't"

1 million,is the bet total for you

another guy from the back says"what about us,we got 8o grand and brings it forth,dumping it on the 9 foot gold crown

80 is the bet' says our hero

another casino man says "I got 100 grand and then 2 more

bet and thats it

Start the clock

the kid proceed s to make a list of all the sets of 3 numbers whose product is 36


trouble is there are too many
so he adds the sums and two
6x6x1 both add up to 13,no other equal the same number

so the kid reasons "... it must be 2x2x9 because this reflects the older on with two younger ones

therefore it is 2x2x9

aaaah, so simple
why didn't i see that

well the kid now makes another 3 million plus
not by skill or craft ar weasel
just working a problem that any 5th grader could do if he
took time to put his pencil to work

the babes are jumping up and down,but one of the waitresses is actually crying

i bet the rent,i bet my tips,i bet my savings' in despair

the kid sends one of the dolls to console her,"how much did you lose hunny?"

$3, 500 and change" it was all i had

the doll says ok and counts out $5000 ,this should cover it,but I need one thing"
whaz that

promise me you won't gamble anymore

i promise

now this story has had some pretty hard things to believe,but here comes the hardesyt of all

The Kid says"i'm ready to go,but does anybody here need their money back?'

not one person says a word,not one man ask for the money,And here is the strandgest thing I ever saw or heard,like at a movie at the end some little guy starts clapping and before you know,you are putting your hands together,well this pool room ,full of hardened gamblers start clapping for the kid.A minute ago the kid took them for millions and now the kid is getting a round of applause.I will never see the likes of this again,i never saw or heard of it but this is what happened believe it or not

the kids eyes are moist,the broads are hugging him and as far as i know,not a living soul is mad or critical.

"You guys" the kid says

"gfo getem kid, you 're the best and other words are shouted back "as the leaves
"see ya tomorrow,"

thats all,no non sense about get some money,no taunts like don't come bacck on the shorts,no lousy taunts,no spiking the cash '

A quiet retreat with his palls into the limo,where casino and KP and a few others join the kid for burgers,the kid will cut the mustard and have mayonnaise

Here are hardened high rollers,used to comping the rich guest and several who aren't and the kid is picking up the check,and no one is recognizing it at the time

these guys are drinking strawberry malts eating burgers and enjoying themselves

the kid ,has the broads announce that the circus is in town,does everybody want to go? they go. Not even Ringling Bros it some masonic thing but the kid like the circus
all these guys are walking on sawdust and watching clowns,high wire,tigers,and all that stuff

the funny thing about this,at least looking back on it> Everyone had a good time,as they are let off at their various spots we hear"thank guys,I never had so much fun"

"we gotta do this again"

"let's take the wives and kids"
I mean it,you had to be there,you just had to be there>

The score is still ahead so don't think i was stopping for a heart throb sob or moral of the story,because I'm not

i do want you to notice the climate is still favorable for action,no one thinks the kid is plotting,they almost hate to be scheming against him,but hey,this is Vegas,we have seen people get a few million winner and go home broke,

this kid is gonna make a big mistake,all these bets just keep fallin in his lap,he didn't come up with a single idea,he just got lucky
but tomorrow is another day
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Got a little dog in you?
Silver Member
I don't get it...

Just because 13 is a memorable number? That's hardly proof. Any number can be important to different 21 is important for blackjack and 10 is important to anyone with fingers and toes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
drew is in fog here
no one said 13 is important or memorable
this is why this 5th grade problem fools people

they don't understand math

had the 1 plus one plus 36 equals 38 been the address
the math prof would immediately know the answer,he would not say"i still don't know"

but since the address was 13,there were too many correct choices to be sure

get it

perhaps we should get together and let you guys fool the kid with problems

we can all meet in vegas and have a night of fun
then we all will have stories for the grand kids

i know a guy named the wizard and we will let you pick a card and call the wizard on the phone and he will tell you the card


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
the problem came from the math professor who
wanted it to be mysterious looking ,yet simple

to look scary enough to confuse people but easy when explained, something anyone could that
anyone could do it

if it were made too plain,no one would get excited ,most people don't understand it when they see it

most of the problems came from books entitled Tricky math puzzles or something similar,
it's been a while and iIpaid little attention then,and memory fails as i age

i hope you guys like the story so far,if I finish it up i will omit most of the bets the kid won and lost.,and focus on the ones i think you guys might enjoy

it was a long ago time and while not exactly a pool story,it is still the biggest score in the history of pool gambling,
for those of you waiting to hear of Titanic's personal involvement,you will be in for a surprise if I finish the story.
I can not decide whether to reveal the behind the scene planning,the unseen and secret partners
etc,it might be best to let the whole thing end

thank you for reading , the PM responses or calls,especially to those of you who knew something of the story from your fathers ,uncles etc
,it is kinda fun to hear the real story that your friends could only barely remember vaguely and in part
,stories like this get blown up in the telling and myth from facts
are difficult to determine..

I hate to leave out Mo Brooks and the golf score that went with this,but this is a pool forum,as

some of you frequently remind me..For years we thought it would be part of the book movie deal that Titanic
dreamed of for years,he wanted James Garner to play his part, it is too late for that and it might be too late for
anything involving accurate verifiable events.
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Charlie Hustle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's 2,2,9.

It doesn't matter that you don't know the building number. It matters that he DOES... :)

Incidentally, it DID take me just about an hour of thinking about it on and off until the light bulb went on. Tough problem!

Between this comment, and looking at this link, I finally got it.

Now to my credit and everyone else who had a hard time with it, deanoc doesn't write with the best punctuality and or sentence structure, so that makes it even more difficult. However, I thoroughly enjoy the story so far and can't wait for the ending!

Charlie Hustle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here it is worded much better:

Puzzle: A man in my neighborhood has three daughters. One day when I asked their ages he said, “The product of their ages is 36.”

When I still couldn’t find their ages he said, “Ok. I’ll give you another clue: the sum of their ages is same as the number of my house.”

I knew the number but still couldn’t calculate their ages. So the man gave me a last clue, “My eldest daughter lives upstairs.”

Finally I was able to figure out their ages. How old are they?