$20,000 Frost/Pagulayan Match - On YouTube


POV Pool
Silver Member
To those of you who have been waiting for the first two parts of the $20,000 Scott/Alex match, I've decided to throw it up.

If you have any objection to the odd, F- or S- Bomb, then don't watch this video. I know scores of people that will appreciate it for what it is.

Alex's performance was amazing and I don't think I've seen anyone play one-pocket that well in a long time.

Thanks All -

PART 1 of 3 should be on my YouTube Channel at 8pm / PST


POV Pool
Silver Member
LOL - It's uploading... I will notify you when it's up. I didn't think it would take this long but part 1 is 3 hours long.

Sloppy Pockets

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for doing this. I missed almost the entire match after I accidentally drifted off to sleep. I woke up around 6AM and caught Scott raking the balls, and then Alex won the next game and it was over. Or something like that.

Looks like this is gonna be a long one-hole weekend. :)


POV Pool
Silver Member
Richard Grenier in Billiards Digest.

I heard that there was an excellent writeup of One-Pocket Rich's commentary in the latest issue of Billiards Digest. Is this true?

If anyone has a copy of this article, I'd really love to see it.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Any way to minimize that "Skie's the limit" folder on the bottom of the screen or make it smaller? It completely covers the bottom left pocket

**edit nevermind it went away


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Having never played 1 pocket before, I have a quick question

What happens when they both keep "Taking a scratch" in the bottom right corner?
Why do they do this?

I love watching pool but this 1pocket seems excruciatingly slow. Maybe I need to play to understand the intricacies better.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Having never played 1 pocket before, I have a quick question

What happens when they both keep "Taking a scratch" in the bottom right corner?
Why do they do this?

I love watching pool but this 1pocket seems excruciatingly slow. Maybe I need to play to understand the intricacies better.

They voluntarily scratch in an effort not to give up a shot or position. You place a penny, or other marker, by your pocket for each ball you owe. When you make a ball, the penny is a reminder to spot what you owe.

I only keep 3 pennies on me...limits my scratches! :D


Pool Addict
Silver Member
I just finished part one. I thought Alex moved the ball really well in the first game. Frost loves his thin cuts and really showed some great shots in game two.

See you all in about 3 hours!

Thanks for posting this, my Friday is going to go a lot quicker now!


Pool Addict
Silver Member
I couldn't believe all the cry babies about the f bombs. Was it really such a big issue that you had to rag the guy out of the booth. I didn't really think it was being said that much. Whoever was complaining should keep in mind that some of those guys that were commenting are just regular players, not professional sports commentators, and it's FREE. Get a grip.

It's pool not Sunday school.

I wasn't offended, I appreciated the free feed. Thank you very much. Please post a R rating next time so they won't have anything to complain about. :grin:

*walking away, scratching his head wondering wtF