10 ball?


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Really?? I haven't played competitive 9 ball in about 10 years so I guess it's beyond my comprehension. I still find it funny that what used to be called a miss is now called a 2 way shot.:D

Youre still not getting it. There are intentional shots that if missed will leave safe but if made will give you a shot on youre next ball. Those are 2 way shots and are some of the most creative and difficult shots to pull off... The shots that shit safe after a miss on accident are not.

The fact that you cant comprehend this makes me think your competitive 9 ball 9ball days really werent that competitive.

In snooker, a two way shot is known as "a shot to nothing"....
...it is an integral part of the game.

And snooker (you know, that game that produces billiard millionaires)....
....does NOT have call shots


10 Ball vs 9 Ball

The quick and obvious differences are:

10 ball:

10 ball is re-spotted when made on a break shot and isn't considered an instant win.
Call pocket is used more often than call shot.
The game 10 ball was created to eliminate lucky shots, instant win from break, and adds a ball making it more difficult to run the table.:grin:

Positively Ralf

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Question, but what do people think of 10 ball call shot/call safe vs 9 ball with the rules implemented into the US Open this year regarding the break?


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
The game 10 ball was created to eliminate lucky shots, instant win from break, and adds a ball making it more difficult to run the table.:grin:

Considering that I've been playing 10-ball for over 25 years, and 10-ball has been in the BCA rulebook since at least 1985 (that would be 31 years ago), and it didn't have some of these awful (IMO) rules, then this notion that "10-ball was created to eliminate lucky shots..." needs to be placed in the "not reality" box or just rewritten. The intent is good, but it's just not quite right.



Coos Cues
Agreed: I only gamble rotation on call-shot/call-safe 10-ball. There's a local player who would terrorize me in 9-ball, but I beat him at this game every time. Like anything else, it's a different skill and mindset.

Those rules are the first step to one pocket which is the first step to the rocking chair.

Good luck and have fun
