
AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Shooter trying to make the 8 for the game
has to kick
tries to kick
hits his opponents ball (foul)
hits the 8 and makes it
loss of game?
or 8 spots and ball in hand?
i dont play 8 ball
happened to my friend
whats the rule?


BCA rule set. 20a covers this scenario.

20. LOSS OF GAME. A player loses the game if he commits any of the following infractions:

a. Fouls when pocketing the 8 ball. Exception. See 8-Ball Pocketed On the Break.

b. Pockets the 8 ball on the same stroke as the last of his group of balls.

c. Jumps the 8 ball off the table at any time.

d. Pockets the 8 ball in a pocket other than the one designated.

e. Pockets the 8 ball when it is not the legal object ball.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
BCA rule set. 20a covers this scenario.

20. LOSS OF GAME. A player loses the game if he commits any of the following infractions:

a. Fouls when pocketing the 8 ball. Exception. See 8-Ball Pocketed On the Break.

b. Pockets the 8 ball on the same stroke as the last of his group of balls.

c. Jumps the 8 ball off the table at any time.

d. Pockets the 8 ball in a pocket other than the one designated.

e. Pockets the 8 ball when it is not the legal object ball.
Thanks @dquarasr
I will pass the info to my friend


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think 8B has the most rules and “guidelines” of any cue sport. I have even seen rules change mid game to suit the weaker player. Amazing!
No kidding. I stopped even trying to do anything other than play for funsies with bar folks I don't know. And if they whip out a surprise rule mid game, I just go along with it. It's not worth the argument headache.

The flip side of that is one time I put my quarters up on a table in a bar that I'd never played at and ran out my opponent's dry break. By his reaction you would have thought I'd just cured cancer. He came over and gave me an aggressive but friendly handshake/hug and bought me drinks. That's an exception to the norm, though.

Island Drive

Otto/Dads College Roommate/Cleveland Browns
Silver Member
I think 8B has the most rules and “guidelines” of any cue sport. I have even seen rules change mid game to suit the weaker player. Amazing!
It's the eco system it's in.
Got nothing to do with the sport.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
No kidding. I stopped even trying to do anything other than play for funsies with bar folks I don't know. And if they whip out a surprise rule mid game, I just go along with it. It's not worth the argument headache.

The flip side of that is one time I put my quarters up on a table in a bar that I'd never played at and ran out my opponent's dry break. By his reaction you would have thought I'd just cured cancer. He came over and gave me an aggressive but friendly handshake/hug and bought me drinks. That's an exception to the norm, though.
I play along too. The weaker the player the more creative the rules. Ticking off a ball may or may not be good. Etc. It’s always the same. Play along and win anyways. I did it for years when I needed the $. I don’t miss that. 😃😃


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
at my local bar, if you’re shooting the 8
and you don’t make contact it’s loss of game
I have not heard of that rule in bars before (different areas seem to have different rules). Scratch on the 8 is an automatic loss, as is making the 8 off of another ball. The not hitting the 8 seems extremely harsh, as the cue ball has to be placed behind the line and played past the line in bar rules.
I always found it weird that bar rules are so nit picky, as it is a perfect recipe for an argument.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have not heard of that rule in bars before (different areas seem to have different rules). Scratch on the 8 is an automatic loss, as is making the 8 off of another ball. The not hitting the 8 seems extremely harsh, as the cue ball has to be placed behind the line and played past the line in bar rules.
I always found it weird that bar rules are so nit picky, as it is a perfect recipe for an argument.
I think the nit pickiness of bar rules are at least twofold.
  • Players are trying to win on a technicality (i.e. made up, vague, and/or obscure rule)
  • Since the price is per game, players are trying to extend the games to get their money's worth
I'd say it's probably 90/10 in favor of the first point.