A Few Quick Questions About Moving a Table


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I might have found a table I am looking into purchasing. Unfortunately for me the right deal, may just be un-attainable? That's why I am turning to the pro's for help!

okay, so I found a table within my price range, but its 450 miles away. It is a 1 piece slate, 7' Diamond Pro-Am. I don't know too much about it, because I am awaiting an email back to see how good the felt and rails are.. but lets just assume I have to redo the rails / felt during the rebuild.

I have a driveway that runs up besides my house, and I have an entrance into the room I want to put the table, but the doorway is a "French Door" like doorway. Except It has a divider between the two doors, and one of the doors doesn't open. It just opens 1' or so roughly on a hinge. Infront of the door is 3 steps. with a railing in the middle of the two doors.

Also the driveway and the patio portion of my backyard are seperated by a fence with a Entrance into the backyard infront of my garage.

I was wondering how much getting this thing into my house would cost me.. Am I looking at a couple grand ? because that would pretty much make it impossible to do this deal.. I am trying to purchase it for around 1500$, which is a nice deal if he takes it, but I am afraid that the cost of moving it will not allow me to purchase it.. I could probably scrounge up around 1,000$ extra to get it moved, but it would be cutting it close and probably take another 2 weeks before I could get it moved here then.

One Last thing.. I have carpet in the room I want to put it in.. It is an addition to my home and 1 level, even though it has the 3 steps to get in. The rest of my house has a basement though. The room is perfect for a pool table, I think it is like 14' 8" x 21' 7" .

Please help me!

- Justyn

EDIT: I live in Dayton, Ohio if this would help anyone out.. I am trying to get a good idea of how much this is going to cost me. Thanks guys!
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Club Billiards

Absolute Billiard Service
Silver Member
Yup. Give me a call. I'll come and take a look at your entrance and let you know if it can happen, and I'll give you a quote. I can also do any necessary rail and cloth work you need done.