Aiming Metric


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Yes Yes Yes. Contacts work for me and I have an astigmatism in my left eye. I wear the contacts just for pool and they are for distance only so I still use reading glasses for up close. Nothing like NOT wearing glasses to play.


Silver Member
There is seeing something, then there is what the minds eye does with that imagine.

Everyone can see the same thing, but how it's processed, seen by the minds eye, that is something only that person can "see".

One reason I like to "see where the CB needs to be" v trying to hit some points on two balls that can not be seen, is seeing where the CB needs to be doesn't change with where my head is or my stance. As I've stated before, I shoot one handed at times meaning my head isn't on the shot line nor my bridge hand or anything. I standing up holding the cue with one hand and stroke that way.

I believe as players improve they go to seeing where the CB needs to be v hitting contact points or patches that do not exist, but where the CB needs to be does exist.

Visual muscle memory if you will.

Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member points or patches that do not exist, but where the CB needs to be does exist.
"Where the CB needs to be" isn't any more visible than contact points or patches (or fractions, or whatever) - they're all visualizations of things that can't be physically seen. In fact, "where the CB needs to be" is the only one of those things that doesn't "exist".



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I am giving up pool

I am thinking of giving up pool......not completely, but tournaments and money playing cause I feel there something missing in my game. I can never figure it out. There lot of good players out there but most want lot of money for the time to teach someone. My drive for pool went downhill and don't feel like playing anymore except just play for league night only. :(