Billiard Digest Hall Of Fame?

Lock N Load

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ken, if you think about it, then that means Artie was good. There's a lot of unsung heroes in pool who flew under the radar, by their own choice. ;)

Vern Elliot might be one player. Geese (Michael Gerace) is another. Patcheye guarded his identity. It was kind of hard to clock these players at one time. :grin-square:

I met a player in Georgia in the '70s era called "Rocky Creek" when we were on the road. Not many people heard of him, but when you came to his pool room, he was the high-stakes gambler. I saw him send many a road agent to Western Union or back home with empty pockets. :embarrassed2:

I don't know Artie, just from what I have read on pool forums, but it does not surprise me that at one time, he had game and speed.

After the advent of the Internet, though, it's kind of like we all know who's who today. It's a knockers pool world in 2013, much different than the glorious road warrior years, what most term as pool's "golden years." :cool:

The only way for an action man to fly under the radar today is to play pool with a bag over his head. :thumbup:

Hello Jam,
I need two bags in case one breaks. I like the bag thing. How are you doing? Tell Keith, I said hello.
Many Regards,
Lock N Load.


Locknload might be biased towards Buddy,but for good reason. I ran the 84 (worldnineballopen). We advertised for 4 mo. in The Billiard News and other media for everyone to come. I do not have a complete players list in front of me but a few players i remember were Buddy Hall ,Mike Sigel,Louie Roberts,Dave Matlock,Allen Hopkins,Keith McKready,Jimmy Reid,Daved Howard,Danny Medina,Richie Ambrose,Joe VILLIPPANDO,Dan Louie,Rich GIELER,Tom Spencer,Howard Vickery,Dallas West,Larry Hubbart Terry Bell,Dave Yager,Jeff Carter Benny Conway,Jon Shupet cant remember all 64 off the top off my head. BUT SOME SAID IT WASNT A MAJOR .But 63 others would have called it one .Just saying

If what you're saying had any validity, then there would be 20 majors played in golf each year. Did you see the field 2 weeks ago when Tiger won?
It was called Cadillac Championship...


from way back when
Silver Member
there was and still is a whole slug of pool players that are fantastic and never miss. anyone can beat the other on a given day. a few lasted for many years or decades and some burnt out more quickly.
the more tournaments they entered the more they won. some were better in tournaments, some playing for the cash.

except for a few, all of them were suckers and got broke as fast as they made any money. so their great ability only serves for good memories of the skill factor of them having been born with super eye hand coordination.