Break cue weight

Light.....18 ounces or less

Heavy...25 ounces, or more if you can get away with it

What's the consensus of the peanut gallery? Any and all comments welcome.


Marital Slow Learner.
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Light.....18 ounces or less

Heavy...25 ounces, or more if you can get away with it

What's the consensus of the peanut gallery? Any and all comments welcome.
Mine is 20 oz. Seems to be a sweet spot for me.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Playing cue is 19, breaker is 18.5. I've typically gone close but slightly lighter on my break cue. I'm interested in experimenting though, guy on my league team loaded up his breaker to be pretty heavy and it's the same BK Rush as I have, need to do some test breaks with both and see how the results are

Rusty in Montana

Well-known member
I tried a 25 oz break cue and just didn't like it , mainly because my wrist got so sore it wasn't fun to use , i sold it and found a 19 oz or so BK2 and haven't looked back .
background.....Historically, I used a cue the same or slightly lighter than my playing cue which is a 19.

Then I had a heavy breaker made for me at about 25 and it was shorter and thicker than my player, hit like a ton.

Then a fellow player, who is also a golfer, said this is all wrong, your breaker should be lighter to get more velo on the cue ball for harder breaks.

Then I saw some videos on YouTube where the guy said, and proved, that he got a stronger hit, more speed with a heavy cue.

So bottom line is that I have used both light cues, 18 and heavy 25 and really can't see much difference in results but think I prefer a heavy cue for my style, age, maybe that's the answer right there?? Who knows? I rarely get a shot after the break anyway.

I'll go back to my corner and shut up now.

Greg M

Active member
I don't play American pool, but I don't recall having seen a break cue heavier than a playing cue in English pool. My playing cue is 17oz and my break cue is 16oz. I've seen them go down to 12oz.
18 or 19 preferably on breaker. Like 18 better. Never tried a 17 or less. Maybe a long time ago. 20 oz is ok. 21oz+ no thanks. But also if given a choice I’d break with a 25oz with a leather tip over an 18 with a phenolic tip on it too. I hate phenolic tips that much. Can’t stand the crunch.

My player is around 19.


Well-known member
Ithink the
I break with my 18oz playing cue... It is nice to not have to keep up with 2 cues. Also, I don't think it would make any difference on my win %.
I think the biggest difference is your playing cue tip doesn't get beat up as much if you use a break cue. I think my playing cue may actually break a little better than the (playing) cue I use for breaking. I need to get serious about my break. Breaking dry basically spots your opponent an extra inning. I've lost plenty of games that I think an extra trip to the table would have got me the win.