Break Shaft


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Can someone build me a Purple Heart break cue with the following specs under $300?
29” long
.855 joint diameter
3/8-10 thread


Silver Member
Why do people think that THEY can dictate the price of what someone will build from scratch, to their specs....? When your go to work, do you do your job for pennies simply because the customer tells you to? WTF.....


Well-known member
Why do people think that THEY can dictate the price of what someone will build from scratch, to their specs....? When your go to work, do you do your job for pennies simply because the customer tells you to? WTF.....
You don't know how cheap some people are.


Well-known member
Why do people think that THEY can dictate the price of what someone will build from scratch, to their specs....? When your go to work, do you do your job for pennies simply because the customer tells you to? WTF.....

Lighten up, kitten. Nobody was telling anyone how much to work for, and he's willing to pay 300 for a shaft... Just a shaft.



Silver Member
Throw a hissy-fit, get called, 'kitten'. Pretty simple. you, I have the same right to speak my mind. BTW, read the First post....asked for a CUE! The Question asked was build a CUE (changed after the fact to a shaft) for less than 300 according to his criteria. I have dealt alot as of late with many people that feel they should dictate my price for repairs, or builds. Got tired of it and then spoke my mind...sorry if you disagreed. Excuse me for having feelings about this. Considering how much you yourself have been ##$$$ here, one would think you would be a bit more understanding. I would call you by my nickname for you....but don't want to violate the site rules........


Silver Member
Throw a hissy-fit, get called, 'kitten'. Pretty simple.
BTW, wheres all the pics of cues you have built? Just throw your ass around like your somebody.....but no history of any cues....


Well-known member
BTW, wheres all the pics of cues you have built? Just throw your ass around like your somebody.....but no history of any cues....

Just for funsies, here's a cue I made in 1996. It was the first cue with points I made. It also has the first leather stack wrap I did.

It's a bit rough, but it is 25yrs old in that photo, and was one of the first twenty cues I made. I've gotten better.

Am I a real boy now? Or do you need more?


Michael Webb

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member you, I have the same right to speak my mind. BTW, read the First post....asked for a CUE! The Question asked was build a CUE (changed after the fact to a shaft) for less than 300 according to his criteria. I have dealt alot as of late with many people that feel they should dictate my price for repairs, or builds.
You've earned the right with your experience, not to allow that.
People like to shop around even be insulting.
Some don't get it until you just say
Have a nice day.
Good bye.
I deal with these so called TIP GURU'S.
That's all they can do, work the tip,
And they try to convince people they're special.
Most of us, go thru it with these clowns.

When they screw up a ferrule, they call me. I say, drop it off because your not allowed in my shop and I charge them more because a one stop shop, involves more than just the tip.
I just say
Thank you!