Contact Point Aiming Illusion


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
The Pocket has an opening which funnels inward. If you hit the pocket at the largest throat opening with wrong angle and spins, the pocket rejects the OB.

I take the Contact points being as a smaller OB, and that is that. However, throw and spins will do the rest of the equations as I said above

I judge this size of the Contact Ball from the most inner part or both inner corner of the pocket
I probably shouldn't have said anything about this. I know I'll wind up regretting it.
I'd patent the damn thing if applications and procedural differences were patentable!!
It's so simple, yet noone I've played knew of
“‘Old timers’ secrets” are kept close to their vests.
There are no synoptic versions available.
Players are always wanting something for nothing and are unwilling to even put in the time required to debunk falsehoods or the posted versions.
Aiming cannot be explained simplistically.
There is no magic potion available either.
A real old timer in the flesh, who did and still is able to fit the label.
I am the calculator and the measuring stick in person.
I have to disagree wavelength. It is simple. I wish I hadn't have said anything tho. Asa I did, knew I was gonna regret it. I've been chomping at the bit since joining this site and reading about these ridiculous time consuming mathematically difficult aiming systems for dummies and it finally broke free if my fingertip and hit the keys. Lol. I'd patent the damn thing if procedural and applications differences were patentable. Perhaps a copyright, or I could talk to Dr. Dave about this and perhaps just give it to him. Not sure yet. I'm not getting any younger, that's fo sho. Maybe leave something to remember my lazy ass by. 👍🏻😂
We'll see.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I suspect your "secret" has been discussed here several times before. Why not just explain what it is?
I might bob. Seriously. I haven't seen anything similar in the posts I've been searching, but must admit I'm not thru all of them yet. I'd think that if someone had hit on this, it would be common knowledge all over the site. Like I said, I knew I'd regret it asa I put it out there, but couldn't resist. If it's been covered, I'll formally apologize to everyone on here and all will know that my posts are trash afterwards. I'll be in Siberia w justnum. I'm willing to risk it. If you wanna pm me, I'll give you a gen idea of what I'm talking about. Perhaps you can save me searching posts and much reading of old stuff. Thank you sir.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
I look at angles. I do look at the cotactt point but I primarily look at the angle where the line from the pocket extends through the object ball and the angle of my entire cue stick to that line. It’s hard to explain but what you’re doing is setting up your cue stick to the intersection of that line from the pocket. Too much emphasis is put on the cue tip and not the entire cue stick
Your real close bill.


It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
For some old timers, the philosophy that they grew up under is slow to die off..
I tend to think in the school of that the free sharing of information is a good thing, some feel they must protect it because they grew up in a different era.
When it was the difference between going to bed hungry in your car, or with a full belly it makes sense to keep info close to your chest.

Insecurity was the reason they didn't share info. They came off the great depression or had parents that did... things were a bit more tight lipped back then when keeping a secret might guarantee a few bucks in your pocket. 🤷‍♂️


Don’t mind me. I’ll take it with me as I go.
Silver Member
Wavelength to Mensabum.
Don’t expect any favors from today’s care less posters.
You’ll just have to keep putting two and two together to feed your own need to know.
I’m not going to tell the deep knowledge secrets any time soon.


Don’t mind me. I’ll take it with me as I go.
Silver Member
When it was the difference between going to bed hungry in your car, or with a full belly it makes sense to keep info close to your chest.

Insecurity was the reason they didn't share info. They came off the great depression or had parents that did... things were a bit more tight lipped back then when keeping a secret might guarantee a few bucks in your pocket. 🤷‍♂️
Always held a job to guarantee that I could afford the necessities of life for self and family.
Pocket billiards was only a pastime(very valuable, monetarily) to feed the mind’s appetite. Still carry same regards for the games, even though retired from the workaholics side of life.
Never forgotten where I came from, where I’ve been or where I’m going.
Still play at the top of the pocket pool games.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Or the Colonel. I respect his opinion more than anyone's on here so far, but my exposure has been somewhat limited due to being relatively new on here . I have tt quite a few very knowledgeable people and that's what drew me here in the first place.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Wavelength to Mensabum.
Don’t expect any favors from today’s care less posters.
You’ll just have to keep putting two and two together to feed your own need to know.
I’m not going to tell the deep knowledge secrets any time soon.
Can't say I blame you. Some things just aren't meant for general consumption. Lol.


Well-known member
Yeah, anyone with half a brain realizes that if what is being kept as a secret was exceptionally useful, it would be out there already in some form. Aiming sticks to balls that hit other balls isn't rocket science. People keep re-inventing the same ideas and techniques over and over, with different names given to them, and the most useful ones are talked about more.

There's virtually no chance of an all-improving holy grail technique existing that has avoided anyone sharing it publicly and then being spread throughout the pool world due to it's usefulness.

Dan White

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Yeah, anyone with half a brain realizes that if what is being kept as a secret was exceptionally useful, it would be out there already in some form. Aiming sticks to balls that hit other balls isn't rocket science. People keep re-inventing the same ideas and techniques over and over, with different names given to them, and the most useful ones are talked about more.

There's virtually no chance of an all-improving holy grail technique existing that has avoided anyone sharing it publicly and then being spread throughout the pool world due to it's usefulness.
Some people find things that work well for them, at least for two weeks, and think it is the holy grail and they need to enlighten everybody. Poolology is a good shortcut method to shorten the learning period for new players, but there is no magic pill other than time at the table and desire to make pocketing balls automatic.


Some people find things that work well for them, at least for two weeks, and think it is the holy grail and they need to enlighten everybody. Poolology is a good shortcut method to shorten the learning period for new players, but there is no magic pill other than time at the table and desire to make pocketing balls automatic.
The HAMB never failed. A lot of people say The game is more about experiences and Intuition.


Well-known member
The HAMB never failed. A lot of people say The game is more about experiences and Intuition.
Yep, the best aiming system is having rock-solid fundamentals, getting reps in and trusting your instincts when it comes to aiming. The most common scenario where people don't trust their aiming instincts is when their fundamentals are wack, causing them to miss many shots because of not shooting straight even if they aimed correctly, which cumulatively also makes their aim worse because they start trusting it less.


Yep, the best aiming system is having rock-solid fundamentals, getting reps in and trusting your instincts when it comes to aiming. The most common scenario where people don't trust their aiming instincts is when their fundamentals are wack, causing them to miss many shots because of not shooting straight even if they aimed correctly, which cumulatively also makes their aim worse because they start trusting it less.
This is exactly it, without a solid understanding of fundamental and or why the shot was a miss/sucessful , your stroke delivery get whacked. This is the one reason that I dislike people jumping to conclusion that someone did something wrong because their stroke delivery was whacked


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In golf 'HAMB' is known as 'digging it out of the dirt', all the technique/science bs doesn't mean near as much as just learning YOUR way to do something. I've seen more than a couple champions(in both pool and golf) who had methods/styles you'd NEVER teach yet they were absolute monsters. They owned THEIR game.