Dan White
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  • Hello How you been? i haven't been online here much. Thought I come back and check in news update on more back and forth argument of aiming systems. I just got done reading " The Hal Houle Post" forum. I was laughing cause back and forth. I pretty much given up on how Stan's version of Hal Houle system.

    I just Center to Edge( stand stance only) and sweep down into left edge,right edge,center,left quarter and right quarter depend on which direction and degree angle it is to make the shot. Still still the cue tip/ferrule to dial down on as I am stroking to hit the ball.

    September 14th of Monday, pool hall I got to finally open. Gotta wear a mask entering ,but once at the table can take it off which I don't get it and doesn't make sense. Their 9 foot diamond tables are nice and gotta get the speed down.

    I was just checking up on ya and seeing how you were doing.
    Hey Dan; Why in the world did I think Steve Klein made that cue? You say it was some guy from Brooklyn in 63. Musta been Steve Klein's dad. LOL!!! I promise to keep your Bushka straight from now on. ;)
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