Cue Weight - What Do You Prefer?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i have made 'em from 14 to 32 oz

weight as with tips, shaft taper, etc etc is going to be a personal choice. BUT to me, WHERE the weight is located in a cue that makes a difference. many cues are made of lighter wood then a monster weight bolt is added to the butt. i personally cannot shoot with a butt heavy cue. if i am using a lighter wood i try to center the weight in the middle of the handle, so a lot of my heavier cues acually feel lighter.
my weight preference 18 3/4 oz


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have for a long time felt like I was a little out of the loop with my preference for a 19 – 20 oz. cue. Always seems like I am on the high end and I don’t know why everyone else prefers light cues. I seem to have better control of the cue ball with my "heavy" cue. This thread is interesting and while it doesn’t mean much I would guess that most of the people who respond to this thread are players in the sense that they have played for many years. I was pleasantly surprised by what I read and decided to compile some useless stats as shown below.

My categorizations are subjective and someone else might place some of the fuzzy responses in different groups None-the-less here are my observed “preferences.”

20.0 - 21.0 oz. - 8
19.0 - 19.5 oz. - 11
18.5 – 19.0 oz. - 7
17.0 – 18.5 oz. - 3
15.0 – 17.0 oz. - 2

About 19 of 31 replies (61%) prefer a 19 – 21 oz. cue. It is nice to know I am not in the minority.

Apparently, over 50% of "us" :thumbup: prefer at least a 19 oz. (or heavier) cue.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Joe W. "Thanks"

Thanks to Joe W. for doing the initial actuarial analysis of the many replies.

I'm also wondering if folks might find a thread about preferred shaft sizes to play with or shaft taper lengths, type cue joint or thread, etc. of any interest? Personally, I find the science & physics of pool cue construction very intriguing, especially when you're able to learn about others' opinions and firsthand experience as well.

phil dade

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
cue weight

I think the cloth and rubber has allot to do with tables being more lively than in the 60', 70' and 80'. Therefore if 21-20 may have been the norm before, on todays' tables more finesse moves the ball better and allows the spin to take hold. I like 18.8-19.2 depending on maker and balance. I think this permits better feel to allow a finesse stroke to use the spin to move the ball around the table.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I play best with a cue from 19 - 19.5 oz. I've found I can play fairly well with a cue that is balance well, whether it's 18 or 20 oz., but over time I play better with the 19 - 19.5 range. It takes some time to figure out what weight works best.


Full Splic Addict
Silver Member
Moving the cue ball

I've never considered the weight of the cue and cue ball control to be related. I've just always changed the weight til the balance is right. I feel that when the weight is right between your hands it doesn't feel heavy on either end, and that feels just right to me.

I'm gonna go play some in a little while. I think I'll put another 1/2 ounce into cue to see what happens. I'll report back later


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My current main player (an Ed Prewitt) is 19.8
Have tried different weights (either mine or friends' cues), and found that 19.2 - 20.2 feel right for me. I also think balance point is important, a nicely balanced cue feels lighter than it actually is.

I like Prewitt cues very much too, have a 60" Prewitt on order and specified it to be weighed 19.8~19.9, can't wait to see how it plays when I get it. :smile: