DC++ is pool heaven on earth!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I just figured out how to connect to DC++ pool video sharing site. I have gotten at least 7 matches in 4 hours all at rates of 50 to 500 kbs! They have hundreds of videos . The trick is the setting box mark passive, then you will be able to download all of the worth. http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/ manual connect adress box poolandbilliards.dyndns.org


Used and registered
Silver Member
'Lil help for tha barely cumputor litrate here please! I'd love to see wut yur talking 'bout! No seriously, I can't make sense of your link.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
right on DC++ is the best thing ever! its a little hard to figure out at first but it is worth the effort! ive had it for about 2 months now and have about 20 gigs of matchs. im gonna need a new hard drive soon. i cant delete anything..



Lets do like this:

Download the software i.e. DC++ at http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/i...p?page=download

Install and configure your up and download destinations, nickname etc..

Push the "Public Hub" button and type "poolandbilliards.dyndns.org" in the "Manual connect adress" box, and push the "connect" button.

Then when you see your fellow hub-mates just double-click on their nicks to get the filelist.

Then you only have to choose what you want to download by either a double or a right-click at the file.


Enjoying life
Silver Member
Remember to share the downloaded matches as well, otherwise you'll be kicked out of the hub !


AZB's own 8-ball jihadist
Silver Member

I have downloaded it. I have gone through some walkthrough on a guys website and got everything set up according to what the guy said. I can log into the hubs and see all the users but I cannot download the peoples list nor does searching come up with anything. I have set my connection to active as well as passive and when it is on passive I cannot even get the user list to come up in the hub, I am lost....


Enjoying life
Silver Member
Celtic said:
I have downloaded it. I have gone through some walkthrough on a guys website and got everything set up according to what the guy said. I can log into the hubs and see all the users but I cannot download the peoples list nor does searching come up with anything. I have set my connection to active as well as passive and when it is on passive I cannot even get the user list to come up in the hub, I am lost....

What kind of message you get when trying to download ? If you get "no free slots", then the user you're trying to download from has already all slots taken for downloading and you have to wait until a free slot opens. That's why all the downloads go into the download queue and dcc automatically starts downloading when a free slot opens...


AZB's own 8-ball jihadist
Silver Member

I get connecting.................. Connection timed out..... Connecting......... Connection timed out....... Connecting............. wash rinse repeat.....

That is simply from trying to view their list as
When I try to search anything I get nothing coming up from the searches, nothing really happens when I hit search.

So basically I sit there and see all the names on the side of users and cannot see any files in any way. I saw Classiccues name on the list on the right, and some other pool-esque types of names, yet I could not browse their lists.

In active mode I put in my IP but did not put in the port, it says it will pick a random port, that is the only thing I could think would be wrong but should it not at least work in passive mode?


AZB's own 8-ball jihadist
Silver Member

Not behind a firewall, I have no clue. I will try it again though and this time I have turned off Emule and Kazaa res. Maybe that will help.

[edit] sort of works in passive mode now, do any of you know where I would go to find out which port I should specify? I remember when I set up my DSL connection it was a little different from a default normal one.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If you have a DSL connection you're probably behind a firewall in the sense of ports being blocked. You should specify a port under your settings (just pick one that isn't used by other programs) and open it in your router. I use port 1045.

You should also try to avoid passive mode as passive+passive connections do not work. But if you have to you have to...

I wrote a guide for this kinda thing a couple of years ago. You might find it useful.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
For anyone not trapped in the horrible world of Windows, there are clients for *nix and Mac OS X as well. I'm an OS X guy and grabbed Direct Connect from VersionTracker.com.

At work, I'm behind a pretty strict firewall, and switched to passive mode and all was well. I didn't really find too much (even searching for "efren") but grabbed a couple of things. I'll likely spend some more time finding and grabbing things one night soon. I couldn't really find any one pocket matches, other than one or two I already own.


Enjoying life
Silver Member
tobyjoe said:
For anyone not trapped in the horrible world of Windows, there are clients for *nix and Mac OS X as well. I'm an OS X guy and grabbed Direct Connect from VersionTracker.com.

At work, I'm behind a pretty strict firewall, and switched to passive mode and all was well. I didn't really find too much (even searching for "efren") but grabbed a couple of things. I'll likely spend some more time finding and grabbing things one night soon. I couldn't really find any one pocket matches, other than one or two I already own.

Hey Toby, you have one-pocket at dc++ ? I've managed to find only one (gem) match between Grady and Efren. By what alias you go in the pool hub ? I'm "mikko" and sometimes online....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
mikko - no, i went there LOOKING for one pocket matches. only found one or two, and i already had them. when i get some time (so swamped at work) i'll set up a persistent account on there and maybe rip some of the videos i've bought over the year.

ZigZag Master

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Does anyone know how to download the same file from multiple sources to increase throughput.....Is it possible with this client?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
download from multiple sources..

ZigZag Master said:
Does anyone know how to download the same file from multiple sources to increase throughput.....Is it possible with this client?


go to your download queue. find the file you want to find more downloads for. right mouse click on it and click search for alternatives. hope that helps
.....ps my sn on dc++ is greglikes8ball feel free to d-load anything you want
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ZigZag Master

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
mindtriplx said:
go to your download queue. find the file you want to find more downloads for. right mouse click on it and click search for alternatives. hope that helps
.....ps my sn on dc++ is greglikes8ball feel free to d-load anything you want

I tried that "search for alternates", it finds some, but then how do you add them to increase download througput??? I tried right-clicking and choosing "download" but it did not seem to do anything.

Is there a status screen that will show me all of the sources to verify it is working. I am very computer literate (network engineer by trade) and if the software is capable of doing this, I can not figure it out.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
ZigZag Master said:
I tried that "search for alternates", it finds some, but then how do you add them to increase download througput??? I tried right-clicking and choosing "download" but it did not seem to do anything.

Is there a status screen that will show me all of the sources to verify it is working. I am very computer literate (network engineer by trade) and if the software is capable of doing this, I can not figure it out.


the search for alternates just picks a diff. person to download from. dc++ wont pick the fastest connection for you but it will tell you the connection speed and how many open slots each person has.
it seems to me your doing everything right. when something im downloading stops or slows up i just search for alternates until i find something better.
there is a download screen that tells you what is going on and if it is working or not. it is on the bottom 1/2 of the screen and it shows you all the uploads and downloads going on and the speeds they are going. i hope this helps you. if not you can do what i did. ask someone on dc++ for help there are admin. and plenty of friendly people that will help you that are more experinced with it then me.