DerbyCityClassic live PPV by Accu-Stats{{{{{{{{


Accu-Stats Messenger
Silver Member
Originally Posted by Bigtruck View Post
I'm streaming the 10ft Action Room at Derby City. The feed was smooth all day.

Probably be a good idea to mention what stream you where trying to watch. There are many streams going all over the world.


Yes BT's stream was smooth.
I seen him say he was streaming through his PHONE !!!

He said the hotel's internet was sooooo bad he used his phone instead,
While the hotel tries to fix their bandwidth problem !

They have been notorious for bad internet for years.

I know Accu-Stats is not at all satisfied just as the paying customers are.
But they will be trying to get things to a better quality they always provide.

Some people talk like this is a regular thing with Accu-Stats.
But we all know better. They are one of the best 99% of the time.

The internet is what it is and some venues don't know what they really have until it is too late.


AzB Long Member
Silver Member
Accu-stats stream is looking good today! This is going to be a great birthday doing nothing but watching great matches!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
the streaming quality has gotten waaaayyyyy better since yesterday. Thanks:thumbup:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I bought the tonight stream just now and nothing is popping up. Will it not start until the match tonight or what?


Accu-Stats Messenger
Silver Member
anyone who purchased the Sat Night Session only and are experiencing a smaller that normal flash viewscreen - please log out and back in again.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Oldzilla, I have paid and gotten a confirmation from paypal but I just get access pending. 20 min now. any suggestions?


I watch efren and Rodney today I only had issue's. With the chat room part the video quality was great it seemed like it was HD

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