Deuel defeats Frank in semi-finals at GCO

Keith McCready

Pro Player
Corey Deuel is wowing the crowds with his expert shooting capabilities and defeated Troy Frank, who comes in fourth place.

In the semi-final match, Corey had a jump shot on the 8-ball. He whipped out his jump cue, successfully pockets the 8, and the cue-ball drew back the length of the table, giving him perfect position on the game-winning 9-ball. The crowd stood on their feet and gave him a loud round of applause and cheers. To make that shot in the heat of the battle was nothing but awesome!

Next on the agenda will be Danny "Kid Delicious" Basavich versus Charlie "Hillbilly" Bryant of Texas, who are both sitting in a good position on the winners' side. The loser of this match will have to play Corey, who is waiting in the wings hoping to get his shot at playing in the finals.

JAM [posting under KM's account due to laptop cookie problems]
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Deuel is capable of beating any player on the planet when he's in form, I remember watching what has been referred to simply as "the shot" he made against Nick VD Berg in the 2002 mosconi cup, where he jacked up and drew the cueball the length of the table when the CB was on the rail. Since then I've been a fan of him, he earned it :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Keith McCready said:
Corey Deuel ............

In the semi-final match, Corey had a jump shot on the 8-ball. He whipped out his jump cue, successfully pockets the 8, and the cue-ball drew back the length of the table, giving him perfect position on the game-winning 9-ball. The crowd stood on their feet and gave him a loud round of applause and cheers. To make that shot in the heat of the battle was nothing but awesome!

That shot under any circumstance, would qualify as awesome. IMO :)


Over 40

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Jam,please keep us posted I had to leave this morning.Last nites matchs were great.How about Johnny looking over Steves shoulder & talking now that got things going.