Donation Thread for the 2013 Kamui 14.1 Challenge


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks, everybody. These guys have worked so hard for so long-and put up with a lot of guff along the way. 2013 will be the best.
See you all there.


Silver Member
Here's a flyer that was designed by UpStateAl and Myself over at Live Stream News !!



Silver Member
We got a message last night from our good friend Dan of Heidrich Custom Cues that he will be donating one of his beauties to the event for us to raffle off to help raise money for the prize pool. come on by and gobble up some of those raffles.

Check out his website and drop him a line to thankk him for his support of our event.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks, everybody!

My personal thanks to everyone who has gotten behind Heather, Steve, and Charlie in this great labor of the love for the Championship Game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It was nice being out there yesterday. Had a nice chat with Charlie and watched some good straight pool. too bad I had to leave before Mika or Thorston got to the table. Danny Barouty looked like he was playing pretty well although he did get a couple of bad rolls. Danny is certainly a joy to watch manuevering around a table though.


Silver Member
Here's a picture of the tourney board right after the first match between Eckert and Shaw.

Ralph won the match 94-36.

Shaw conceded the match when he missed a breakshot and left Ralph a wife open table only needing 6 for the win for Ralph.

Ralph ran a beautiful 50 some odd ball run during the game.

I really had a pleasure scoring that one !!




AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Great job!

What was new:
A format worked better for most people.
What was old (but always great):
Hardworking folks who are great fun to be around: Da Hammer, Steve, Charles, Bob, Mark, Mike, and Sean.
What was old (but not great):
Having to wait for the 10 ball event to finish although Charlie and Steve's commentary was far better than that for the "main event."

Congratulations to Darren, our two time champion.

See you at the 2014 14.1 Challenge!