Efren Reyes bizarre social media fans.....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Efren only fluked a ball one time in his career and that was in the quarter finals of the 1994 U.S. Open 9 ball, when an errant fan accidentally let out a mighty sneeze during the Magician's forward stroke, causing the 9 ball to go around 7 rails into the corner pocket. That fan? Chuck Norris.


Silver Member
Excuse me, but I used to practice a lot of kick shots. I was practicing the Z-shot before Efren made it against Earl. It is amazing how accurate you can get at kicking balls in if you put in the practice. The Z-shot was not luck when Efren played it. I can assure you that at his level of skill, there is not way he is going to kick at a shot like that just to hit it. He will always be playing to either make the ball or get safe. He was playing the Z-shot, and probably had a high degree of confidence that he could make it. By the way, if you observe Earl's reaction, he doesn't seem to think it was luck either.
Not to cramp your bubble but with all those amazing escapes - especially kicks, there is a prominent luck factor detailed as follows:

Nice Shot!!!

Nice Try!!!

What I see with the Z shot is an advanced and very subtle one pocket shot. Without going into unknown math, had it not gone, there was a coin flip it would lay funny.
Also Reyes played enough one pocket to gamble on that shot. It happened to go. That's luck. (just like he says...)

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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... The Z-shot was not luck when Efren played it. I can assure you that at his level of skill, there is not way he is going to kick at a shot like that just to hit it. He will always be playing to either make the ball or get safe. He was playing the Z-shot, and probably had a high degree of confidence that he could make it. ...
OK, if you were to back Efren on kicking that ball in, what odds would you want? Even money? How about if you were shooting it? Of course a few practice shots are reasonable before the money shots start.