Equal Offense II


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Been a few months since my first blog post about my Equal Offense practice routine, so it’s time for an update.

I’ve been working on mechanics, and along with some decent table time I’ve seen improvement, that is until my overall score is evaluated.

The goal to move up a level requires an average of 120 pocketed balls over 10 innings. I’m somewhere in the 111-112 range.

Interestingly while my average hasn’t increased much since May, I’ve had some good scores in the 120’s and even an all time high of 130. Only concern is some abnormally low scores under 100.

This inconsistency could be a result of taking more chances to break up clusters and/or taking more challenging runout paths of more than 5 balls and not succeeding.

Attached are my scores at the three miss/three ball in hand level since May.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Today I made my goal of hitting a 120 ball average in my last 10 sessions at the 3 miss level.

Starting next session I will begin to keep track of both my progress at the 2 and 3 miss level until my overall average at the 3 miss level hits 120 (currently 114.3)

Making progress and improving!


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It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
If I ever get brave enough, I'll post mine. It's a lot of fun to keep track and see improvements. I was hoping you would keep updating the thread, you're definitely improving!

Have you noticed this makes it much easier to break out balls that need breaking out in other games? Do you analyze the A, B, C, D balls? George Fels Mastering Pool has some good info on this in the straight pool section. It seems to carry over to other games once you start looking at racks this way.

I'm also curious if you've found any strategies for equal offense while playing.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If I ever get brave enough, I'll post mine. It's a lot of fun to keep track and see improvements. I was hoping you would keep updating the thread, you're definitely improving!

Have you noticed this makes it much easier to break out balls that need breaking out in other games? Do you analyze the A, B, C, D balls? George Fels Mastering Pool has some good info on this in the straight pool section. It seems to carry over to other games once you start looking at racks this way.

I'm also curious if you've found any strategies for equal offense while playing.
My strategy right now is finding and executing patterns 5+ balls long. Most of time I'm not consistent. I can run 12 balls sometimes but other times I only get two, usually because of a poor shot or mostly because of being out of position. My runs are usually around 4 balls.

I haven't really played much else recently except 8-Ball and 7-Ball. 8-Ball has become easier to find and execute patterns, but the rotation games are still frustrating.

Equal Offense has been my go-to practice game because I'm not good enough at 14.1 to make it worth keeping any stats. My eventual goal is to become proficient at 14.1, but I've got a long way to go.

Thanks for the reply!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Time for an update. I’d like to keep going with monthly updates, or when I have enough sessions worth of practice.

Since November 12th I’ve had seven sessions. Had to miss a week for Thanksgiving.

I’m teetering between the 3-miss level and 2-miss level. I’ve kept my average at the 3-miss level over 120 since I first hit the 120 average a month ago. For every session where I keep my 3-miss average above 120, I wil do a session at 2-miss level. Until I can average 100 at the 2-miss level I will demote back to the 3-miss on the next session. That’s why the two different spreadsheets.

I can still see improvement in my game. Mostly in consistent pocketing, but my pattern recognitionseems to be developing. I’m still using mostly center ball shots with stun, follow, and draw to maintain position. Haven’t quite made the dive into using sidespin much yet.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I’ve had about a dozen + sessions since last posting. Managed a pretty good improvement streak at the 3-miss level, with a peak of 124.7 on 12/18 in my last 10 sessions. Then a slump ensued in mid January, now I’m barely hanging on keeping my average at 120 at 3-miss level. Still, last week was pretty good, I think my slump was a result of rushing and not taking time to plan and keep up with a pre shot routine.

Meanwhile at the 2 miss level, can’t get my average over 100. Had a terrible session on 1/14 with an 80 which killed my average. Now I have to really bear down and keep the scores in the 100-110 range and wait for the 80 to fall off my last 10 scores. Ultimately my goal is to hit and maintain a 100 average at the 2-miss level, that way I can say goodbye to the 3-miss level for good.


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Coos Cues
I played two sets pro level and scored 122 and 119. What is the fargo equivalent of this?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Been a few months and 16 sessions since the last update. After nearly dropping below a 120 average on the three miss level in February, I’ve rebounded nicely since then. Still have to break my 100 average goal at the two miss level, but things are trending back upward.

While I can’t blame the slump to the cold weather and lack of adequate heating in my room, I seem to play better when it’s warmer and dryer.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Reached a milestone today by finally just hitting the 100 average at the 2 miss level. A poor session score of 79 from March finally fell off the last 10 sets and helped bump up the average to 100.2.

Next session I will resume the 2 miss level and try to maintain the average. If not, it’s back to the 3 miss level where I have comfortable 128 average in my last 10 sessions.

And if I can keep the 100 average at the 2 miss level, the next goal is averaging 120 at this level. Will be tough.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Can’t believe it’s been over a year since the last update. Over the past year I also used Bowlliards, Fargo, and to some extent the RDS to track progress and improvement, but I find Equal Offense allows me to finely track progress incrementally and I also find it more fun and less demoralizing.

The three miss level is history based on my latest scores and now find myself averaging about 5 balls per run which is safely in the 2 miss level.

Next goal is to average 6 balls per miss and/or average 120 over 10 frames at the two miss level to graduate to the 1 miss level.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Update two years later.

While I haven’t been practicing near the amount sessions from 2-3 years ago, and haven’t been logging progress by spreadsheet, my overall average has in fact improved to nearly 6 (precisely 5.7)

Since my bump in average I’ve been keeping stats in the 1 miss level and taking a second BiH for additional practice. I’ve found this app very useful to keep track of my sessions.