Full Rack Shots in 14.1

Will Maynard

Anyone who has played 14.1 Straight Pool knows that sooner or later you’ll be faced with a full 14 ball rack and no break ball, or none that will allow breaking the rack to continue a run. Most of us know several possible shots using just the full 14 ball rack but are unlikely to take these shots during a match due to the low make percentage.

In spite of this I was curious about how many possible full rack shots there are, but I have never seen any research or videos on this topic, other than a few single shots. So I undertook a study to uncover as many shots as I could. This took over 6 months and 1500 racks of sporadic research.

I began by trying various shots and when a shot succeeded I would generally try that shot 10 more times to get a make percentage for that shot (not counting the first make). Often while I was attempting to make certain shot, a different new fluke shot would go. That would send me down the path to duplicate that new shot.

There are lots of variables at play here, so it was important to always have a consistent tight rack with identical placement (magic rack was used on some shots). Also, I tried to have the same conditions each time: humidity, ball and table cleanliness, same table.

I captured 80 unique shots and broke them down into corner ball shots, head ball shots, and mid-rack shots. Here are 3 videos showing those 80 shots. There are shots that I wouldn’t have guessed could succeed and there some shots that were stunning. There are certain shots that I could not duplicate and about 9 that I did not attempt to duplicate. For the rest, I show the shot, where I struck the cueball, my stroke speed, my make percentage, the target ball and target path. There is commentary throughout.

These shots are of little value in a match game as the make percentages are too low to be practical. But I learned a lot about full tight rack shots and the interaction of forces that play out among all 14 balls. A study of physics and vector analysis would certainly help with this study. Newton’s Third Law of Motion (“for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction”) is at play here, e.g., when a ball rebounds off the frozen balls beyond it.

Please have a look. Try these shots yourself. Your make percentages will certainly differ from mine as 10 tries on a shot is not statistically significant. Your playing conditions may net different results than mine. I welcome all comments and if you know of other shots that have been made or that you would like to see if they can be made, please pass that along.

I hope you enjoy these videos.


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Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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Here is a video of the quarter-finals of a European 14.1 Championship. Note the opening break shot. Because of shots like this from a full, tight rack, the European Championships no longer use a tight rack for 14.1. Because the rack area is trained/tapped for multiple disciplines at the Championships, the 14.1 rack is with a triangle at the other end of the table. (Or so I've been told.)


Texas Carom Club

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I’ve thought about this too since with the second ball 8 ball break you can make a corner ball

And I recall making a corner ball a few times by hitting the third ball with some side spin

As have I kicked into the second hall making a corner ball a few times

Hard to determine if it can be done often since rack tightness is an issue with worn pool room balls and cloth

Will Maynard

Here is a video of the quarter-finals of a European 14.1 Championship. Note the opening break shot. Because of shots like this from a full, tight rack, the European Championships no longer use a tight rack for 14.1. Because the rack area is trained/tapped for multiple disciplines at the Championships, the 14.1 rack is with a triangle at the other end of the table. (Or so I've been told.)

Thanks, Bob. This is very interesting.

Will Maynard

I’ve thought about this too since with the second ball 8 ball break you can make a corner ball

And I recall making a corner ball a few times by hitting the third ball with some side spin

As have I kicked into the second hall making a corner ball a few times

Hard to determine if it can be done often since rack tightness is an issue with worn pool room balls and cloth
Interesting shot "As have I kicked into the second hall making a corner ball a few times". I'll have to give that a try.

Hard Knock Cues

Well-known member
Interesting shot "As have I kicked into the second hall making a corner ball a few times". I'll have to give that a try.
I'm looking forward to checking out the videos,
I've hit the third ball from the side of the rack and made the corner ball several times to keep my runs alive sometimes.
I even had a bet with the guys on doing it consistently. At home. I practiced and made it 6 out of 10 and 7 out of 10. Unfortunately at our pool hall I had three out of 10 and one out of 10 on two different tables. So definitely different tables and balls had Different results. But it's still a great shot if I'm just trying to keep a run alive and not in a game. But in a game I can stick the cue to the side of the rack while playing it as a safety.


hobby player
You have some nice higher percentage balls there. Thanks. I will try them out...

I recorded a video with a similar idea some time ago. Nice thing about my video: its not edited. Needed 3 tries at most to make a ball from the full rack :)


Hard Knock Cues

Well-known member
I will say the reason I kept trying to hit that third row ball to make the ball in the corner was because, often when I had a break ball at the side of the rack and I made it the cue ball would come off and hit that third row ball, and cause the wing ball to go in the corner.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here is a video of the quarter-finals of a European 14.1 Championship. Note the opening break shot. Because of shots like this from a full, tight rack, the European Championships no longer use a tight rack for 14.1. Because the rack area is trained/tapped for multiple disciplines at the Championships, the 14.1 rack is with a triangle at the other end of the table. (Or so I've been told.)

If I recall, Mosconi also favored that one.

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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If I recall, Mosconi also favored that one.
That's what I heard. He was also said to have shot the two rail kick to a back corner ball to drive the head ball two rails to the side, but I'm guessing that was only done in exhibitions against stick-holders.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's what I heard. He was also said to have shot the two rail kick to a back corner ball to drive the head ball two rails to the side, but I'm guessing that was only done in exhibitions against stick-holders.
Back in the day, I used to have good luck banking the corner ball into a head corner pocket. But, for some reason (better/polished balls?), it doesn’t go as often anymore.


Well-known member
Here is a video of the quarter-finals of a European 14.1 Championship. Note the opening break shot. Because of shots like this from a full, tight rack, the European Championships no longer use a tight rack for 14.1. Because the rack area is trained/tapped for multiple disciplines at the Championships, the 14.1 rack is with a triangle at the other end of the table. (Or so I've been told.)

This guy really blew the rack up to open in a 14.1 tournament? Half my opponents don't break that well in 8 ball.

Hard Knock Cues

Well-known member
Good videos Will, I finally got around to watching them on the TV last night. You definitely have more shots in your repertoire than I do. I love it though, I'm the kind of guy that tries stuff like that when I'm only playing for five bucks. I will definitely be looking at racks in a different manner now.


Will Maynard

Good videos Will, I finally got around to watching them on the TV last night. You definitely have more shots in your repertoire than I do. I love it though, I'm the kind of guy that tries stuff like that when I'm only playing for five bucks. I will definitely be looking at racks in a different manner now.

Thanks for your feedback, Robert. It's amazing how loaded with possibilities a full rack is. I enjoy the physics. If you discover new shots, please share.


Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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...I hope you enjoy these videos.

Awesome encyclopedia of full-rack shots, Will. I really liked how you explained what was going on with the ball contacts and the important secondary factors like cushions.

I think these shots are best tried under tournament conditions. The balls where I play are not all the same size and the tables are pitted so a really tight rack is very unlikely. I guess what I can do is look at the critical contact points for a shot -- sometimes there are only two or three -- and try the shot if it looks tight.

I wonder what shots they were using in Europe from 14-ball racks that were such a high percentage that they ignored the break ball.

Great work!

Texas Carom Club

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I found the one where a corner ball banks up table
It caught my eye when it said 50 percent make
So I tried it once at home and it went
I’ll be sure to play for that shot if I don’t get on a break ball easily when I practice, that one is astonishing