Good Staple Gun for Felting Table???


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Anyone know of a good brand or model staple gun for felting tables? I've tried two electric models and niether will even come close to putting a staple all the way into the oak rails on my GC. They worked great for the slate but not even close on the rails.

Brand? Model? Price? Where I can purchase? Let me know and thanks a bunch.


Active member
Silver Member
I use a Duofast model #5018a $195.00 at, I've seen some people use the yellow colored Arrow brand you can get at Lowes, but I cant say how well they work.


New member
Silver Member
I use the duofast model as well. I have tried some others but this one gives me the results I want going into all hardness of woods

mark smith

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
duofast for sure. been using the same one for 12 years 60 tables per year. it needs a driver new return spring every couple of years, no big deal to change. took 12 years of use to burn up the driver motor. $66 rebuild by duofast service center and back in business. i did buy a brand new one while i was getting the old one rebuilt, and i will admit it does not seem to as good as the original, lots of wadded staples and bits of chrome flaking off of the magazine cover (at the staple exit area). plan to send it back for a tune up / warranty work, just have not gotten around to it yet. my old one works so good i will probably only use the new one as a backup. hope this helps.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Duofast. No questions about that.

By the way Mark what is with us Mark's in the pool table business. On top of that 2 Smith's. It must be our curse.

On another note a friend's father who own's a Machine Shop. He has an Air Powered one. For pool table work it wouldn't be good but that thing is nice.


I got disgusted with my crappy electric gun and went back to my good ol trusty Arrow T-50. If you aren't doing this for a living, you don't need to spend big bucks on an electric gun. Um, provided you have some forearm strength.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I tried to locate a Duofast in town because I'm pretty excited to get the felt on but I didn't have any luck. I was trying to avoid waiting a week till it got here to finish felting my table. I'm really eager to get it done and start shooting. I took a chance on an 18 volt Royobi from Home Depot for 60 bucks because I already had a bunch of 18 volt Royobi power tools laying around. It is doing the job. I'd for sure opt for the more powerful Duofast if I was doing it for a living or if I could have found one here in town but the Royobi isn't too bad for what it is.

I'm glad I'm not felting or working on tables for a living or I'd be averaging about 15 cents an hour as long as this has been taking;)

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's not the staple gun...

You just haven't done many tables, it would appear. A good mechanic can cover a table bed in 20-30 minutes (of course the rails take longer)...with ANY electric staple gun. I use a cheapo 20-yr old Ace Hardware electric, and it works fine. I've seen the pro mechanics at the BCA trade show assemble a complete 9' foot table, including cloth (excepting rail cloth, which is already done beforehand), in less than one hour! That's FAST! My best time is about 4 hrs, including rails...but I'm no pro mechanic either (however, I've probably assembled 50-60 tables over the years).

Scott Lee


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I Hate Staples!

I hate staples.....tears the s____t out of the wood :(

I don't do it for a living....but just my 2 cents -- use GLUE and maybe some nice 3/8" tacks -- or a few staples sparingly ;) PLEASE


Beer Player
Silver Member
The Black & Decker "Power Shot" has the handle directly over the staple. So you're pushing directly above the staple as you press the handle. It works really well. I think it only costs about $20.00 or so.


Pokin' and Hopin'
Silver Member

Duofast wide-crown . nothing but. used to use a Regitar but i don't know if they are still around.


Staple guns

I use a DualFast, but had lent mine to my usual table mechanic and I couldn't find him. I bought a Italian staple gun with the brand name Maestri. It was expensive. I was assured that it work as well as the DualFast and it did work as well. Of course, the day after I purchased it the mechanic shows up and returns my DuoFast staple gun. The Maestri uses T150 staples. I bought my DuoFast from Billiards Direct. I think Muller also sells them. I bought the Maestri from 7 corners hardware in Saint Paul MN.


Cue & Cushion_STL_MO
Silver Member

Duo-fast. We use ours to cover rails for a local vending company which brings in rails by the dozen. Very well built.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
you are doing something very wrong

krbsailing said:
I hate staples.....tears the s____t out of the wood :(

I don't do it for a living....but just my 2 cents -- use GLUE and maybe some nice 3/8" tacks -- or a few staples sparingly ;) PLEASE

in an earlier life, I recovered several well used GCs dozens of times,
tearing up the wood by staples was never a problem, tho
dammaged wood, both rail liners and slate frames, on antiques that had
been done using tacks was common
