Have you accepted the fact that you are a pool player for life?


Pool Fanatic!!
Silver Member
Like the thread title indicated... Have you accepted this fact that you will play pool for the rest of you life? Are you perfectly content that you are pool player and will be for life?

I am 25 years old and I have been playing pool seriously for around 6 years. Sometimes I wonder if it would be best if I gave up playing pool seriously and concentrate on other things in life. I am not sure if 25 years from now, the idea I'll still be playing pool competitively, is a positive one.

I'd like to hear some stories from the more "seasoned" crowd on what they think of their lives having pool be such a major factor in it. Do you ever wish you had take a different path in life? Concentrated more on other things?

I'd also like to hear from anyone that have had similar thoughts as I've had.

Edit: I didn't exactly mean earning a living at pool. I am talking about the entire pool playing life style; Tournaments, Gambling, Leagues, etc.

But stories of those who are making some kind of living off of pool are most welcome.

David I saw your reprint of this thread and I want to thank you for this post, I felt your words deeply in my heart you brought some things back to me and clarified some others. I will always treasure the moments from my childhood onward when my uncle taught me this game the wisdom of his words, some of which I am still finding helpful and enlightening but most of all being introduced into the then dark world of pool and so many of its colorful players who I now read about and think how when I met them they were just his friends and now they are considered legends
I realize how fortunate I was and how life changing the experiences have been.
My biggest fear in life is that something could ever take this game away from me

Again, thank you my friend :)

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Dunn, that is a good way to look at life. Everyone has or should have at least one or two passions in life. I have a couple and unfortunately, many of my passions will be on my retirement Bucket List.

I too had the flying bug but broke my leg at work and as soon as I got the cast off, slipped on an icy side walk and broke it again. So sold my books and used my fly money to pay bills.

Never did get back at it but may some day.

Pool got me when I was in my early 30s and have been involved in league for a little over 20 years now.

Got the cue repair bug a few years ago and pretty much eat, sleep and eat pool most days.

I just got a text telling me that there is room for me in an 8 ball tourney today otherwise being up this early on a Sat is not common.

Have a good weekend guys, I will.

Charlie Hustle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I have been at this game about 25 yrs. I would just advise to keep your goals in life as strong as those regarding pool. Get a good education, land a good paying job. Then
travel to some big events, on paid vacation time, and show the kids what you know. That and keep a steady bankroll of " mamma don't know money". This is the key to a happy wife...I mean life.

Love it. A++


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Accepted and embraced it. I started playing when I was 14 and was hooked instantly. I took about a 10 year break due to work/wife/kids but the desire to play never faded.

I've been playing again for about 7 years and don't pass an opportunity to go shoot. I think the biggest reason I know I'm hooked for life is because pool is a game that can be won but never beaten. It's the constant change, knowing that every time I walk to the table there is a new situation with so many different possibilities. As I've gotten older my desire to learn has grown and what better hobby to have than one you can never learn everything about.