

Kid Delicious' Evil Twin
Silver Member
Just wanted to say that it was great chatting with you in Vegas and watching you play. I'll send that donation for the Juniors by Wednesday. (Won't be as big as I hoped, Vegas can be a very cruel tease.)


Kid Delicious' Evil Twin
Silver Member
Sarah, I sent a $100 donation through your blog today to be used toward the junior tournament. Let me know if you got it, I think I missed a step & didn't include a note saying it's for the juniors.

Also, I see you still haven't put me on the Heartbackers list. *sniff*sniff*


pro player
Silver Member
Tim, thanks for the donation. I got it. That put me at the $1000 mark for the kids. That means each kid qualifying on saturday will get $250 toward their trip to the Junior Nationals!

I am way behind on adding names to my list. I will get that taken care of this week. Sorry about that!

Nice to meet you last week.


Kid Delicious' Evil Twin
Silver Member
$250 per qualifier isn't too bad. If Nationals is within driving distance that would cover gas $$ and hotel.