How good do you have to be to beat the 9 ball ghost?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I know it depends on the table, but for the sake of argument let's say it's a 9 ft table with good cloth and easy pockets.

If someone can beat the 9 ball ghost in long races, like 10+, at least most of the time... how good would you say they are compared to your league handicaps? What about on your local ABC?

What if they can beat the 9 ball ghost in a long race 9/10 times. How close is that to pro level?


I see dead balls
Silver Member
Long race, easy table, I'd say about solid B speed minimum, could be better though. Depends on overall skill at other parts of the game.

edit: I misread the OP. Winning 9/10 times is probably an A.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If we are talking a 9 foot table with 4.5 to 5 inch pockets, playing break then ball in hand, then I'd say a very strong A to AA speed to consistently beat the ghost. Especially in a long race. No B player I know will be at the ghost more often than not in this game, even on the barbox.


I see dead balls
Silver Member
If we are talking a 9 foot table with 4.5 to 5 inch pockets, playing break then ball in hand, then I'd say a very strong A to AA speed to consistently beat the ghost. Especially in a long race. No B player I know will be at the ghost more often than not in this game, even on the barbox.

I misread the OP, was a bit quick there. I agree that you are probably an A, if you can do that.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If we are talking a 9 foot table with 4.5 to 5 inch pockets, playing break then ball in hand, then I'd say a very strong A to AA speed to consistently beat the ghost. Especially in a long race. No B player I know will be at the ghost more often than not in this game, even on the barbox.
+1 to this. If you can run out more often than not with ball in hand after the break I think you would be at least A if not AA

Depends how you do view the letters. I know some people who view A as the last stop before pro so shortstop speed to others

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Silver Member
How close to pro player just by beating ghost on easy table? A long, long, longgggggg way. I can beat the ghost on an easy table and do not want to mess with any pro. When Joey Grey and I played, i lost, er got smoked 9-0. Yeah, I had felt a little pressure, and was down 4 or 5-0 before i even got out of my chair, but i only had 2 chances to even win a game and i blew it. Still, no chance to win. Id gamble on the ghost before i took the 7 and last 3 from any pro.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm terrible and I can beat the 9 ball ghost most of the time, and play close to even with the 10 ball ghost.

the Professor

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm terrible and I can beat the 9 ball ghost most of the time, and play close to even with the 10 ball ghost.


1. You are not actually terrible.


2. You can not beat the 9 ball ghost most of the time or play the 10 ball ghost even.

Terrible and these types of skill sets are mutually exclusive.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm terrible and I can beat the 9 ball ghost most of the time, and play close to even with the 10 ball ghost.

Then you are clearly not terrible. False humility just makes you feel good. If there is such a thing as "terrible", entry level skills probably qualify.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

1. You are not actually terrible.


2. You can not beat the 9 ball ghost most of the time or play the 10 ball ghost even.

Terrible and these types of skill sets are mutually exclusive.
Or he thinks he gets ball in hand after every shot ;)

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The "able to run out most racks with ball in hand" level. I'd say solid to good B level. Some might call that A level. Whatever you call it, it's a pretty good player but not near a pro. Right around Fargorate 600, maybe a little lower.

King T

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This is a tough one..,

I know a few guys that can beat the ghost, but they don't fair so well in match ups against players that I consider good players but way below Pro speed and I do mean way below.

One of the guys gets the 7 ball from a top tier player in the area and they break even???

King T

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I see your point, so..,

How close to pro player just by beating ghost on easy table? A long, long, longgggggg way. I can beat the ghost on an easy table and do not want to mess with any pro. When Joey Grey and I played, i lost, er got smoked 9-0. Yeah, I had felt a little pressure, and was down 4 or 5-0 before i even got out of my chair, but i only had 2 chances to even win a game and i blew it. Still, no chance to win. Id gamble on the ghost before i took the 7 and last 3 from any pro.

So the question is: If you can beat the ghost how should play a Pro player and have a chance to win? Or how would a A player play a AA player?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

1. You are not actually terrible.


2. You can not beat the 9 ball ghost most of the time or play the 10 ball ghost even.

Terrible and these types of skill sets are mutually exclusive.

Agreed....or he hangs out with guys named Efren and Busty.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So the question is: If you can beat the ghost how should play a Pro player and have a chance to win? Or how would a A player play a AA player?

The best chance you have to heat a pro is to get all the breaks and a couple games in a race. If they get to break and run games and play lock safes after the break, you got no chance. Only way you beat them is to keep them off the table or kicking.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The best way to find out what your "ARE" is to get in the ring with someone who already "IS". You can't simulate that playing the ghost.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
The best way to find out what your "ARE" is to get in the ring with someone who already "IS". You can't simulate that playing the ghost.

if you cant run out in practice you cant run out in a match
just sayin

bud green

Dolley and Django
Silver Member
I'd bet against almost anybody I haven't heard of playing the ten ball ghost on a diamond in a long race.

I've played well enough to beat the ghost at nine ball three or four times in a row, but lost probably 50 races to ten at ten ball on a tight table before I beat it.

Anyone betting they can beat the ten ball ghost on a tight table is probably at least short stop level in my experience.

Its tough...except for pros who would kill it almost every time on anything but a trick table.