How I Got Earl Stricklands Wisdom Tooth


AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
Damn, you must carry a pretty good wallop to know out a wisdom tooth. You don't happen to have one of Efren's for sale? I'll need DNA proof first.

If you cross Efren's DNA with eEarl's DNA, do you know what you get?

That's right... A man who plays with himself :eek::eek::eek:


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Earl and I were playing 9-ball 10 dollar sets race to 5, I beat him the first set 5-2 and then I won the second set, He said he wasn't going to pay me!

I was so pissed I punched in the face knocked out his tooth and then made him sign it. He was so happy that I let him Keep his ass weights.

Now I am pleased as punch.


You are SO full of it. :D Still, props for the storyline.