How much longer must we endure this insane format CSI is pushing


Active member
Go to the dark side and watch some eight man Round Robin One Pocket. No champions here, just good local players, who love it.

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I could definitely go there. Accustats hosted several in New Jersey. Six players over several days. Awesome play. They couldn't keep it up because they just couldnt get the support they needed. Prime example of the problem with pool. Take golf as an example. Golfers love to play. But they will also watch religiously on TV. Many will spend the bucks to go to tournaments in the heat and in the rain AND LOVE IT. Sponsors out the wazoo because of the fanbase. Average pool players are just toooo cheap.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If they really must insist on the "exciting" shootout thing, then whatever.. do it. It just happens SO SO MANY TIMES though. Make it be a slightly unusual thing, and it becomes more interesting. You can also have several different shots - there was an 8 ball thing a while back that did this instead of a hill-hill rack.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I could definitely go there. Accustats hosted several in New Jersey. Six players over several days. Awesome play. They couldn't keep it up because they just couldnt get the support they needed. Prime example of the problem with pool. Take golf as an example. Golfers love to play. But they will also watch religiously on TV. Many will spend the bucks to go to tournaments in the heat and in the rain AND LOVE IT. Sponsors out the wazoo because of the fanbase. Average pool players are just toooo cheap.
Perhaps just too broke. The current demographics of pool and golf as as different as the geography of Kansas and Colorado. Pool is played in bars and golf is played at country clubs. One is sponsored by Joe's Used Cars and the other by Mercedes Benz. Europe and Asia are the future of pool the USA just sucks at it and will forever continue to suck at it worse as time passes. They practice in private clubs on 9ft tables, we practice in bars on 7 ft. tables surrounded by drunks and music so loud you can't hear yourself think.


Billiards,Boxing & Babes
Silver Member
I have very little interest in watching professional pool. I get more enjoyment out of two guys or girls throwing hundreds up on the light and going at it. I love the interaction between players whether its rivalry or complimenting their opponent on great shots. Two players interacting and enjoying the game. This is what professional pool lacks.


Sadly Stu it’s not about that. Of course your right about that. Here’s why it is the way it is. It’s not for pool fans or players.

It’s pure biz.

Think about it, this “short form” format comes at a time when they double the prize $ for players and MR and CSI get in bed-kinda sorta. Hmmm interesting timing. Coincidence?

Ask William Hill, Ladbrokes etc. there’s your answer.

It’s not about pool, it’s about the “Handle”

Fatboy<——-learned a bit about books living in Vegas….
You mean, the format is what it is, because the outcome is more open than in a traditional, longer race and that underdogs may have better chances to win against better players? Considering those aspects, bookmakers make more money because people tend to bet on the better player?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Perhaps just too broke. The current demographics of pool and golf as as different as the geography of Kansas and Colorado. Pool is played in bars and golf is played at country clubs. One is sponsored by Joe's Used Cars and the other by Mercedes Benz. Europe and Asia are the future of pool the USA just sucks at it and will forever continue to suck at it worse as time passes. They practice in private clubs on 9ft tables, we practice in bars on 7 ft. tables surrounded by drunks and music so loud you can't hear yourself think.
Golf isnt doing well in my area. Had two golf courses within 20 miles of me close down in the last 10 years. One was Red Halk Run outside of Findlay Oh. The other was Nature Trails near Beltsville Oh.

The Bettsville course did eventually re open the front 9 only. The back 9 was sold for a housing development.

With skyrocketing real estate prices, I see many more shutting down in the future.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Perhaps just too broke. The current demographics of pool and golf as as different as the geography of Kansas and Colorado. Pool is played in bars and golf is played at country clubs. One is sponsored by Joe's Used Cars and the other by Mercedes Benz. Europe and Asia are the future of pool the USA just sucks at it and will forever continue to suck at it worse as time passes. They practice in private clubs on 9ft tables, we practice in bars on 7 ft. tables surrounded by drunks and music so loud you can't hear yourself think.
Please explain to me why almost every luxury home (for millionaires, celebrities and athletes) has a pool table in it. I've been in a lot of them and the pool table (or billiard room) seems like a prereqisite. Bottom line - pool is not just played in bars!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Golf isnt doing well in my area. Had two golf courses within 20 miles of me close down in the last 10 years. One was Red Halk Run outside of Findlay Oh. The other was Nature Trails near Beltsville Oh.

The Bettsville course did eventually re open the front 9 only. The back 9 was sold for a housing development.

With skyrocketing real estate prices, I see many more shutting down in the future.
Nationwide golf is healthier than in the last 25yrs. Number of rounds(a lot due to covid) are way up. Equipment sales are at all-time highs. Problem is some areas overbuilt in the 90's and courses have closed. The one's that are open are killing it in most areas. Public track close to me did FORTY-THOUSAND more rounds last yr than the yr before.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Please explain to me why almost every luxury home (for millionaires, celebrities and athletes) has a pool table in it. I've been in a lot of them and the pool table (or billiard room) seems like a prereqisite. Bottom line - pool is not just played in bars!
In the US way more is played in bars/taverns on little tables than in poolrooms. Thats why US big-table pool on the world-stage sucks so bad. A lot of those tables in pics of fancy homes rarely get used. Often turn into storage for random crap.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
In the US way more is played in bars/taverns on little tables than in poolrooms. Thats why US big-table pool on the world-stage sucks so bad. A lot of those tables in pics of fancy homes rarely get used. Often turn into storage for random crap.
I guarantee you home table sales are higher than ever, even more so during the pandemic when people were looking for home entertainment.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I guarantee you home table sales are higher than ever, even more so during the pandemic when people were looking for home entertainment.
I was talking in general terms not a pandemic driven deal. I know a lot of people who have tables and they get a lot of play when they first get them but it dwindles over time. I've been in a lot of houses that have laundry,etc piled on the table.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Nationwide golf is healthier than in the last 25yrs. Number of rounds(a lot due to covid) are way up. Equipment sales are at all-time highs. Problem is some areas overbuilt in the 90's and courses have closed. The one's that are open are killing it in most areas. Public track close to me did FORTY-THOUSAND more rounds last yr than the yr before.
That’s exactly it. They overbuilt in the 90s expecting a boom that never came with Tiger. People think course closures are due to the game declining. It isn’t. They’re correcting the size from the overbuilding.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
I was talking in general terms not a pandemic driven deal. I know a lot of people who have tables and they get a lot of play when they first get them but it dwindles over time. I've been in a lot of houses that have laundry,etc piled on the table.
I may not play on my table for a month or more at a time, but it is never used as a storage area for anything and is always kept in the ready-to-play condition. Every time I look at it I think that maybe today I will hit some balls and then something comes up. Tomorrow is always a good day to start my next comeback. :)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree.

IMO, they should do a break/ run challenge for a tiebreaker. Each player gets to break a rack (and perhaps the first shot) and shoot until he misses or game is over.
Last man standing wins.
At the very least, play a round of 3 ball.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Please explain to me why almost every luxury home (for millionaires, celebrities and athletes) has a pool table in it. I've been in a lot of them and the pool table (or billiard room) seems like a prereqisite. Bottom line - pool is not just played in bars!
Something I’ve noticed this past 18 months I’ve been looking at several houses a week in the 2-4M range. Tarzana and Encino south of the BL(that means something to Jay) it’s a good area.

What you say it true most have a box. And of course I always go look at it. I look for wear on the cloth, what balls they have, cues, tip work, how much is the chalk wore down, are the ferrels the same color as the chalk, how bad is the lighting(it’s NEVER good) what direction are they breaking, is there enough room to play?, ball return or drop pockets, how does the table roll?, and everything else.

Jay you saw my set up in vegas it was about good as it gets for a home use table, but that was not a typical house. Your set up is great as well in a more normal house.

Of the 60-70 tables I seen in houses in the last 18 months I’d guess 10% had some play on them. Blue spots on plastic cue balls, dull balls, missing tips and dirty ferrels. The other 90% have about 10-20 hours of play when they were installed and they are just for “show” not use.

I saw one table once with centennial balls-yellowed from age but well used, table had proper lighting and showed signs of use. I also look at pockets for wear as well. This one particular table was well used and cared for. But didn’t have the wear pattern on the cloth that a table gets from “players”. They were home bangers at best.

All these home tables might as well be coffee tables or end tables with a lamp on them: they get zero use. 4000sf houses and above have the space to “fill” so they do. Not to play pool, the tables are ornaments.

So while the table population is out there undoubtably that’s a meaningless population as far as participation is concerned.

I have a beautiful chess set in my house. I’ve never played on it once. But sure looks nice.

If home pool tables came with keno boards they would get more use as it’s easier and more fun for people who can’t play 99.6% of the population. 1 in 250 people might be a C- player at best

That’s the summery of my field research the past 18 months.

I didn’t see any Klings, or other high dollar antique tables.



RIP Kelly
Silver Member
I guarantee you home table sales are higher than ever, even more so during the pandemic when people were looking for home entertainment.
Talking to a Diamond rep, was told they have a 9 month wait list. Factory can't build them fast enough.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
How many tables are in homes is irrelevant. How many tables are in home and being used by good players is relevant. If you went to a true pool hall you went there is play pool on a pool table. More people get laid on a home pool table than play pool on a home pool table.


It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
More people get laid on a home pool table than play pool on a home pool table.
Funny story, my nephew had a girl over who had a bit too much to drink. She climbed on the table and tried looking at him seductively. He says get down you can't do that. She doesn't. I say "get down off the table." She starts in "are you saying I'm fat?" I looked at her and said get off the table, it's for playing pool, not for bedroom eyes.

She got down and it's never happened again. 🤣