Installing plastic pockets; tricks and tips?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
There are always better ways of doing something as it seems. I recently learned to use 3/4" plastic hanger straps to make a finished edge on pockets. (Thank you Glen!) It's a sharp idea as it covers the staples under the cloth.

But it's got me wondering; does anyone have any tricks for fixing pockets in place? I usually see people use chrome nails to tack down the pockets into the rails. This works I guess but I've noticed that it also does leave these nails exposed, and who wants their billiard ball sets getting scratched up at the price of quality ball sets? Also I'd like to avoid putting a bunch of holes in my rails.
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Well-known member
Silver Member
There are always better ways of doing something as it seems. I recently learned to use 3/4" plastic hanger straps to make a finished edge on pockets. (Thank you Glen!) It's a sharp idea as it covers the staples under the cloth.

But it's not got me wondering; does anyone have any tricks for fixing pockets in place? I usually see people use chrome nails to tack down the pockets into the rails. This works I guess but I've noticed that it also does leave these nails exposed, and who wants their billiard ball sets getting scratched up at the price of quality ball sets? Also I'd like to avoid putting a bunch of holes in my rails.

Not much choice when it comes to installing pockets that require being nailed in...but, take some black electrical tape, cut off a piece about 1 inch long. Stick it to the back side of the pocket liner leaving about 1/2'' hanging over the edge of the pocket. Now, go ahead and use the 17gage x 1'' small finish nails to secure the pocket in place. Once it's nailed in, then go ahead and fold around the remaining black tape to cover over the head of the nail, repeat for both sides and all the pocket liners:thumbup: