Instructor or training material for pattern play improvement


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I saw a recent note you posted about functional conflict on these forums being good for the game and for knowledge, and I welcome your future insights, but you are mistaken here, in my humble opinion.

A search for pattern play on Google I did this week, prompted by your first comment, brings a few pages to the fore. Several of us were confused by the term on this very thread. There is no governing body for pool jargon. Just because you have had lovely "pattern play" conversations with some fellow pros doesn't mean I haven't talked about "sequence" with other pros. Nor did my pro friends correct me during my conversations, and say, "You mean pattern play, Matt." Your good friend George Fels used the term "sequence" in his books. And even on this thread, people are still debating this term.

Please continue to call out bad pool knowledge when you see it, but arguing with me about word choices is a waste of our time.

Thank you for the new knowledge about "pattern play". I think it is a confusing term, since we first have to choose patterns and then shoot, and I will continue to use "sequence". I'm sure you and I and the game of pool will survive these sorts of choices.

Then again, perhaps I'm wrong and you will correct me again. Perhaps one thinks pattern play is choosing cue ball routes, as a poster suggested, but you will continue to reprove him because you are "right" that it "really means" sorting balls for play in non-Rotation games. I call that "sequence". "Patterns" include, for me, things like "triangles" and "inside out" or "outside in" (the last two are Fels terms before you blast away, so be aware).

But however you respond to him or me, please be respectful and polite.

Is that too much to ask? That you treat me the way I treat you on these forums, with respect, with dignity?

I'll say it one more time and then I'll move on. You have a track record of rationalizing your errors and lack of knowledge. This is not new. You have been doing this here for years. If you continue to do that as you obviously are, I will continue to catch you and call you out on the carpet for it.

Here's a suggestion for you, Matt. Instead of focusing on teaching, take some time to learn how to play.

Silver Member
I'll say it one more time and then I'll move on. You have a track record of rationalizing your errors and lack of knowledge. This is not new. You have been doing this here for years. If you continue to do that as you obviously are, I will continue to catch you and call you out on the carpet for it.

Here's a suggestion for you, Matt. Instead of focusing on teaching, take some time to learn how to play.

I'll say this, so I hope you read it. You are off base with your mean "if you were an instructor, you would know everything I know and everything other instructors know" lines of thought. It's just... mean of you. My students learn much, and I have much to teach them.

I also know how to shoot pool. I'll seek you out next time I visit Amsterdam and we can play some friendly games. Hopefully, we can use the opportunity to learn from one another as well.