First off, I'm glad to have watched and listened to practically every hour of the entire Mosconi Cup and I'm glad that I know you as well as I do.
Doing commentary isn't as easy as some think. As you say Jay, there will always be critics and I guess it comes with the territory.
You covered a lot of things that I agree with.
NO ONE gets the shot right every time. The fact is the MOSCONI CUP is a made for television production, not just for the guy sitting at home who never gets anything shot or statistic wrong.
Everyone makes mistakes. There has been a lot of criticism this year on the commentary and most of it can be condoned.
However, I have one question.
I promised others that I would ask this of you in this semi-public forum. Myself and what appeared to be a very large number of other people (mostly Americans) noticed what appeared to be a VERY STRONG BIAS throughout the event, toward the European team by you, Jerry and Jim and even the lady interviewer. This happened throughout the event and not just every now and then. Jim has a European background and I could understand how he may see things a bit differently than most Americans but I just felt like the USA Mosconi Cup Team was not treated as fairly (commentary wise) as was the European Team.
Is this something that is planned out because it is primarily a European televised program? Are you instructed to give a pro slant toward the European team or do you all feel an obligation to give the European team more credit than what the American team is given? If so, I understand that.
Otherwise, can you respond to this.
Perhaps, I have the wrong perspective on this and you may feel the criticism is unwarranted. (I was kind of pulling REALLY HARD for the USA Mosconi Cup Team.