Jinx in the Pool Hall



There had been many times when I felt that I was being jinxed while playing. Not after losing, but while playing - so it's not being used as an excuse. Sometimes, it's the referee (almost all money games here in Manila are refereed and they get 10% from the bet); sometimes it's the opponent, or just a character watching whom I dislike. Even if there is no sharking going on.

Ramil Gallego told me that when that happens, even if the jinx is his opponent, he never looks at the face.

Any solutions in overcoming a jinx? Or do you even believe in the existence of a jinx?


hehehe, yeah i also believe is a jinx. actually one of my friends is a jinx, when i play with him, my shots are offmy preparations are off, way too different when im playing decently...well, even if i intend to play him decently using all of my talents and skills, i just cant do it...


Yes yes, there is a friend of mine that hangs out in the local pool hall I go to with my other friends to play. THis guy does not play pool, does not know anything about pool. But when he is around watching us I do very badly. On top of it all he is a smart ass lil bastard. If I miss a shot he has to point it out, I usually go downhill from there even more. Last time he was watching us I lost every game I played while he was there. Twelve in a row...

Other than that I am my own jinx usually. :)

tom haney

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What I hate is when guys bet on me on
the sidelines & then whine when I
screw up. Unfortunately, some of the
guys that do that are mobsters & it's
not easytelling them to shut the f up
or just quitting the game. Don't tell
me to find another pool room cause
options are scarce in my area. I've
been putting up with this crap for
35 years, believe it or not.


Re: Re: Jinx in the Pool Hall

Plato_17 said:
Hello Sputnik: Most very good very active gamblers are extremely superstitious. ... If the mind believes these things to be true, then they are real. It is all in the mind of course.

Nonsense... the four ball really does hate me.....

I can never make that bastard... Really. I do anything to avoid shooting it. Its cursed for me. 9ball I will play a safe on the threeunless the 4 is a duck... but even then I get nervous... 8 ball I will take stripes every opportunity I have to avoid it... When I rack I put it in a location where it is more likely to be one of the balls pocketed off the break...



Ryan The Salmon Arm Lynn
Silver Member
I have never been a person to rip on people but here it goes. All you people that have jinx's at the poolhall are born losers. Just like Fast Eddie at the beggining of the hustler. Whether you are a good pool player or not if you think that one person can jinx you you are a born loser!! Quit looking for damn excuses before you even lose. Take a deep breath find a way to relax yourself take a deep breath and make the damn balls. I don't wanna get on Danny D's bad side so he is excluded from these comments. His statement had nothing to do with a jinx on him anyways it was him jinxing someone else. And the 4 ball excuse has to be the biggest loser excuse i have ever heard in my damn life!! Close your eyes when you shoot it. Your talking yourself out of making it. I don't wanna give you advice to help you fix it cause that is the stupidest worst biggest loser excuse i have ever heard. Go to the poolhall during a slow time and ask for all 4 balls. Play with those for an afternoon. If you still suck ass try bowling
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hi fxskater, actually i never really believed in jinx's in any aspect of life, until i noticed that im losing to that friend of mine who is not really a good player, class c, im a class b, even my friend admits that he's a jinx to me.
you can believe that players who believe in such are born losers, well, i will just let my play talk. watch out for me. you may not know, in 3 or 4 yrs, i may be playing in cardiff already...:D or after 5 or 8 yrs, i may be world champ. lol!


Everybody loses in pool. We are all losers once in a while. Even the world champions have bad days during finals. Jeremy Jones missed a shot I wouldn't miss with my left hand at Cardiff two years ago. So don't worry fellas, if you are able to express your weakness in pool, that only means that you truly enjoy the game. I know of some people who have been carrying jinx on numbered balls for decades, but they truly enjoy pool.

Ever see old people hang around the poolhall all day and all night? They never play but they are the best critics, resting on the glory of the past or the glory of their delusions. They're part of pool life. When the players lose their tempers, these old people get even more riled up knowing that hitting them will be more cowardly than hitting a nagging woman.

There are also the younger ones that play know-it-all after matches and reset the balls to where one made a mistake to show what should have been done. One time, there was this loudmouth who did that after a top Pinoy pro messed up a cue ball set-up after a pot. The pro got so irked and said that if the loudmouth knew better than him, then maybe they should be the one to play. Of course, the loudmouth, who was the center of attraction by then, got so mutely embarrassed. All he could do was to come up with a stupid smile on his once all-knowing face.

So let them be.

I agree, many gamblers are superstitious. Number one is Efren. Ever see him pull his collar and "throw off" the monkey on his back? That's always after he makes an error. Ever see him cross the cue stick over his left foot a few times while sitting down? I have seen him refuse a match because he didn't like the best pool table in the room citing it as being jinx to him.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
hmm from your post it looks more or less your decribing what distracts you from your game or what makes you loose focus on your game


I am distracted when I dont have my own TAN colored chalk, yeah I know theres plenty of chalk in the pool hall but I hate using blue chalk there just so dirty to use

Dirt on the table specially in between the path of the CB and the OB

The guy with the 2x3 cue case with tree bark covering :D

Sputnik said:
There had been many times when I felt that I was being jinxed while playing. Not after losing, but while playing - so it's not being used as an excuse. Sometimes, it's the referee (almost all money games here in Manila are refereed and they get 10% from the bet); sometimes it's the opponent, or just a character watching whom I dislike. Even if there is no sharking going on.

Ramil Gallego told me that when that happens, even if the jinx is his opponent, he never looks at the face.

Any solutions in overcoming a jinx? Or do you even believe in the existence of a jinx?
:D :D


Re: Re: Jinx in the Pool Hall

qguy said:
hmm from your post it looks more or less your decribing what distracts you from your game or what makes you loose focus on your game

The guy with the 2x3 cue case with tree bark covering :D

:D :D

Yep, that was what I was describing.

Reminds me... I have to get that cue case back from Alcano.

Salamat tol.

dr. Jun Villon

Its the 7 ball! dont know why but if there's any ball i would likely miss its the 7ball! When im playing well and not noticing my jinx ball, the jinx seems to go away. But once i begin to miss it and notice im missing the 7ball often, my game gets affected. But if you really try to analyze it, i think the 7ball is the most critical ball in winning 9ball. Why? running balls from 1-6 playing perfect, then missing the 7, leaves your opponent just 3 balls to sink on probably an open table. As you get closer to the nine ball and as you sink ball after ball, the pressure to finish the rack gets higher. Miss the 7ball and you will leave your opponent many options. If you miss the 8ball you'll probably lose also right? So why is 7ball more critical then? well, IMO, you can have more options and a chance to recover if you play bad posistion because you still have the 8ball.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Used to be ???

or still is...hehehehehehhe..

we should play again sometime.....r u back in manila ?

nbc said:
qguy used to be my jinx in the poolhall...



hey you guys play in the pool hall near quirino avenue? its an amf-puyat hall...forgot the name.i want to meet you guys in person and maybe i can learn more from you guys...


fxskater said:
And the 4 ball excuse has to be the biggest loser excuse i have ever heard in my damn life!!

Thank God. I am relieved, I thought I was jinxed, but I am just a loser. I read it on the internet, so it has to be true. Thanks for pointing that out.